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"Destroyed by fire, June 30, 1832," he replied, with the mournful awe of one giving the date of some terrible human disaster. "How many glass-factories like this are there in the country?" asked Monsieur, reverting to the practical view of the matter under consideration. "Flint-glass works, Sir? There are three in South Boston, two in East Cambridge, and one here in Sandwich.

James's, I was studying the glass-factories in South Jersey, where I found little boys of ten working in front of glowing furnaces until they dropped of exhaustion and sometimes had their eyes burned out.

'Remarkable as being the scene of the death of Wallenstein, and for its numerous glass-factories and paper-mills. Ha, ha, my boy, what do you make of that?" His eyes sparkled, and he sent up a great blue triumphant cloud from his cigarette. "The paper was made in Bohemia," I said. "Precisely. And the man who wrote the note is a German.

An indefinable shadow crept over the bright elation of a moment previous, and she stopped painting. "That old tub of your Nanni's is about ready for the crematory," Kenwick observed, as he too began putting up his traps. "The crematory?" she repeated, absently. "Yes; when they are fairly on their last legs the gondolas are burnt in the glass-factories."

Yes, she is perfectly right to remind me of the boys who are working in the fields in the full heat of the sun, or among the white sands of the river, which blind and scorch them, and of those in the glass-factories, who stand all day long motionless, with head bent over a flame of gas; and all of them rise earlier than we do, and have no vacations. Courage, then!

Some were children, ragged and barelegged; others were old men who worked in the glass-factories, and surely with hands too old and stiff to ever paint well. Still others were young girls and women of the town. I rubbed my eyes and tried to make it out! The music we heard I could still hear it came from the wine-shop across the way. I looked around and what do you believe?

McElroy has made observations in the glass-factories in his neighborhood, and estimates that in the nine working hours of each day a glass-blower drinks from 50 to 60 pints of water. In addition to this many are addicted to the use of beer and spirits after working hours and at lunch-time. The excreta and urine never seem to be perceptibly increased.

On a visit to Venice, where glass had been manufactured since long before the Flood, Galileo was looking through one of the glass-factories, just as visitors do now, and one of the workmen showed him a peculiar piece of glass which magnified the hairs on the back of his hand many times.

He told her of child slavery, and brought before her eyes the pictures he himself had seen, of the pale, stunted little victims of Mammon's greed, toiling by day and night in stifling, dangerous mines; in the Hell-glare of the glass-factories; in the hand-bruising, soul-obliterating Inferno of the coal-breakers; in the hot, linty, sickening atmosphere of the southern cotton-mills.

When you visit the glass-factories of Venice today, you see the painted picture tacked up on the wall before the workmen, who with deft fingers stick the bits of glass into their beds of putty.