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Jastrow, creating a storm of sand-spray with each stride. "I'm punctured up like a tire." "I been saying to the Baron, Mr. Jastrow, if you'd only cut out the glass-eating feature. You got as fine a appearance and as fine a strong act by itself as you could want. A short fellow like you with all your muscle-power is a novelty in himself. Honest, Mr.

Honest, that grinding goes right through me. He hadn't ought to be showing to-day, after the way they had to have the doctor in on him last night. He hadn't ought to be eating that nasty glass." "Ain't it awful, Mabel!" "Yes, it's awful, Mabel! A fellow snagging up his insides like Jastrow. I never knew a glass-eating artist in my life that lived to old age.

I was showing once with a pair of glass-eating sisters, the Twins Delamar, as fine a pair of girls as ever " "Sure, the Delamars I know 'em." "Remember the specialty they carried, stepping on a piece of plate glass and feeding each other with the grounds " "Sure." "Well, I sat up for three weeks running, with one of them girls the red-haired one, till she died off of sorosis of the liver "

I chipped in what I could to keep her going, but she just down and died one night. Job gone. No weight. In the exhibit business, just like any other line, you got to have a long head. A Fat's got to look ahead for a thin day. Strong for a weak day. That's why I wish, Mr. Jastrow, you'd cut out that glass-eating feature of yours." "How much you got, Airy-Fairy? Lemme double your money for you!"