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'I I was not thinking of the grey, she returned. 'Dear Mr. Pulvertoft, I must speak frankly a girl has so many things to consider, and I am afraid you have made me forget how wrongly and thoughtlessly I have been behaving of late. I cannot help suspecting that you must have some motive in seeking my society in so so marked a manner. 'Miss Gittens, said I, 'I can disguise nothing: I have.

'Show your pride, I said in an agonised whisper, 'Treat her with the contempt she deserves! 'I will, he said between his bit and clenched teeth. And then Miss Gittens came bumping by on the grey, and, before I could interfere, my Houyhnhnm was off like a shot in pursuit.

After an hour and a half's drive, we reached Colliton estate, where we were engaged to breakfast. We met a hearty welcome from the manager, Samuel Hinkston, Esq. we were soon joined by several gentlemen whom Mr. H. had invited to take breakfast with us; these were the Rev. Mr. Gittens, rector of St. Thomas, an extensive attorney of Barbadoes; and Dr.

One day, as I was riding with Miss Gittens, she glanced coyly at me over her sharp right shoulder, and said, 'Do you know, only such a little while ago, I never even dreamed that we should ever become as intimate as we are now; it seems almost incredible, does it not? 'You must not say so, I replied.

I was not in such difficulties as might have been expected, for I happened to know Miss Gittens slightly, as a lady no longer in the bloom of youth, who still retained a wiry form of girlishness. Though rather disliking her than not, I found it necessary just then to throw some slight effusion into my greeting.

The grey was ridden regularly by a certain Miss Gittens, whose appearance as she titupped laboriously up and down had often furnished Diana and myself with amusement. And now, in spite of all my efforts, Brutus made straight to the grey.

Come, you will not let your lives be wrecked by a foolish lovers' quarrel? He made a little half-hearted opposition, but finally, as I knew he would, consented. I had gained my point: I was free from Miss Gittens at last! That evening I met Diana in the hall of a house in Eaton Square. She was going downstairs as I was making my way to the ball-room, and greeted me with a rather cool little nod.

I saw Diana's sweet, surprised face: I heard the Colonel's jarring laugh as I passed, and I I could only bow in mortified appeal, and long for a gulf to leap into like Curtius! I don't know what I said to Miss Gittens. I believe I made myself recklessly amiable, and I remember she lingered over parting in a horribly emotional manner.

J.H. Gittens, an old vestry-book of St John's, in which various entries occur of the name of Ferdinando Palæologus, from 1649 till 1669, as vestryman, churchwarden, trustee, surveyor of the highway, sidesman to the churchwarden, and lieutenant, &c. The last entry is that of his burial, 'October 3d 1678. His name also appears in a legal document respecting the sale of some land, executed in 1658.

'What, you are silent still? Then, Mr. Pulvertoft, though I may seem harsh and cruel in saying it, our pleasant intercourse must end we must ride together no more! No more? What would Brutus say to that? I was horrified. 'Miss Gittens, I said in great agitation, 'I entreat you to unsay those words. I I am afraid I could not undertake to accept such a dismissal.