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I waked my little sister, and tried to get on the staircase, when Cocoleu rushed in like a madman, and took us both out." "Martha," called a voice from the house, "Martha!" The child cut short her story, and said, "Mamma is calling me." And, dropping again her nice little courtesy, she said, "Good-by, gentlemen!" Martha had disappeared; and Dr.

There was a gold carpet, paintings of ladies and gentlemen in gorgeous attire, and murals and tapestries in the marble halls. But I quickly forgot all of this grandeur listening to the names of guests being called off as they entered the drawing-room: Mr. Gladstone and Mrs. Gladstone, Lord Rosebery and the Marquis of Salisbury, Mrs.

It's very nice, for my friends go too, and the Row is full of ladies and gentlemen." "Dear, how charming! I hope I shall go abroad some day, but I'd rather go to Rome than the Row," said Amy, who had not the remotest idea what the Row was and wouldn't have asked for the world.

He upon another occasion, when a friend mentioned to him several extraordinary facts, as communicated to him by the circumnavigators, slily observed, 'Sir, I never before knew how much I was respected by these gentlemen; they told me none of these things. He had been in company with Omai, a native of one of the South Sea Islands, after he had been some time in this country.

Every gentleman, I think, who has spoken from the other side of the House, has alluded to the opinions which some of His Majesty's Ministers formerly entertained on the subject of Reform. It would be officious in me, Sir, to undertake the defence of gentlemen who are so well able to defend themselves.

We must ride, gentlemen, for our lives Spain will want them yet." Wearied and exhausted as they were, that small and devoted troop fled on into the recesses of the mountains for the remainder of that day twenty men out of the two thousand who had halted at Lodar.

Now he revolved the tobacco with a furtive tongue and spat thickly upon the floor. Without removing his eyes from the two aforementioned gentlemen Racey reached for the bartender's gun. "Hadn't oughta be trusted with firearms," he observed, pleasantly, referring to what lay behind the bar. "Too venturesome. Yeah."

Whilst these gentlemen were away, a certain passenger, member of the self-instituted Philanthropic Society of Cape Verd, suggested that it was very dangerous to remain where we were, adding that he was well acquainted with the country, and had navigated in all these latitudes.

Pour in the stimulantia and irritentia, and my life for it, the patient is saved." "Will you listen to me for one moment?" says Dr. Dridrano, the youngest of the three gentlemen.

Good heavens, gentlemen, what sort of free will is left when we come to tabulation and arithmetic, when it will all be a case of twice two make four? Twice two makes four without my will. As if free will meant that! Gentlemen, I am joking, and I know myself that my jokes are not brilliant, but you know one can take everything as a joke. I am, perhaps, jesting against the grain.