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Attention was demanded. Mr. Raikes addressed the meeting. The three young gentlemen-cricketers had hitherto behaved with a certain propriety. It did not offend Mr. Raikes to see them conduct themselves as if they were at a play, and the rest of the company paid actors.

Raikes did his best to keep his head above the surface of the rapid flood. He conceived the chairman in brilliant colours, and probably owing to the energy called for by his brain, the legs of the young man failed him twice, as he tried them. Attention was demanded. Mr. Raikes addressed the meeting. The three young gentlemen-cricketers had hitherto behaved with a certain propriety.

Close to her carriage two young gentlemen-cricketers were strolling, while Fallow field gained breath to decide which men to send in first to the wickets. One of these stood suddenly on tiptoe, and pointing to the pair on horseback, cried, with the vivacity of astonishment: 'Look there! do you see that? What the deuce is little Rosey doing with the tailor-fellow?

Close to her carriage two young gentlemen-cricketers were strolling, while Fallow field gained breath to decide which men to send in first to the wickets. One of these stood suddenly on tiptoe, and pointing to the pair on horseback, cried, with the vivacity of astonishment: 'Look there! do you see that? What the deuce is little Rosey doing with the tailor-fellow?

He had likewise taken a position, and had been the first to laugh aloud at a particular slip of grammar; while his shrugs at the aspirates transposed and the pronunciation prevalent, had almost established a free-masonry between him and one of the three young gentlemen-cricketers a fair-haired youth, with a handsome, reckless face, who leaned on the table, humorously eyeing the several speakers, and exchanging by-words and laughs with his friends on each side of him.