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"If you pleashe, gentlemans and ladies, and ashking pardon of Sir Arthur and Miss Wardour, and this worthy clergymansh, and my goot friend Mr. Oldenbuck, who is my countrymansh, and of goot young Mr. Lofel also, I think it is all owing to de hand of glory." "The hand of what?" exclaimed Oldbuck.

"She telephone long time, then a gentlemans coom, and she go out." "Not a gent with pale hair and plenty of freckles on his face?" I asks. Helma gazes thoughtless at the ceilin' a minute. "Yah," says she. "Den have funny face, all all rusty." "The sleuthy old kidnapper!" says I. "Could she have pulled anything like that? Here, lemme step in and leave a note for Miss Vee.

"I was asleeb and when I wog, I was wit rope tied." "Who cut the rope?" asked Dr. Hume, beginning to doubt the whole story. "A gentlemans who mag to play music on the zither." "Phoebe's father!" exclaimed the girls. They glanced at each other with a wild surmise. "It couldn't have been " "No, no, I'm sure he never would " "Hush," said Ben, "here comes Phoebe."

She did not expect me for another week at least, and, besides, she explained, the state I was in made her blood takeone turn.” Indeed my plight seemed either to have called out or else repressed her true nature. But who had ever fathomed her nature! There was none of her treacly volubility. There were none of herdear young gentlemansandpoor little heartsand references to sin.

Street she live in have also Japanese gentlemans what kill and steal and even lie. Very bad for lady who have nice thought for gentlemans, and speak many words about Christians God. Now not one word can she speak. Her sicker too great. Your great country say "Unions is strong and we stand together till divided by falling out." Please union with lady countryman and also divide. She very tired.

"He tell me zat ze billiard-table gentlemans do not understand ze French," proclaimed the landlord; "and zat zen he make wit' 'is mouth and 'is hands ze representation of ze chemin de fer what you call ze locomoteef; and zen you say to him: 'Yes, yes all is well; we comprehend fully."

Thinkee nothing to make coat'ees for three gentlemans," he observed, as he pointed to the uniforms of every possible description hanging up in the shop.

At length, the lesser Highlander, addressing himself to me said, in very good English, and in a tone of great haughtiness, "Ye make yourself at home, sir, I see." "I usually do so," I replied, "when I come into a house of public entertainment." "And did she na see," said the taller man, "by the white wand at the door, that gentlemans had taken up the public-house on their ain business?"

My Lord Arminigel." "What house is it? What's the name?" "The Villa Androud, my kind gentlemans." "The Villa Androud!" So that was where Armine had gone for his honeymoon with Bella Donna! The windows glittered like the jewels many men had given to her. Night fell. The song of the fellahîn failed. The stars came out. Just where the Loulia had lain the Fatma lay.

I have promised Valker he shall have back his moneys, or Sir Harry shall know that too. You must just give up the young woman; eh, Captain 'Oshspur!" "I'm not going to be dictated to, Mr. Hart." "When gentlemans is in debt they must be dictated to, or else be quodded. We mean to have our money from Mr. Boltby, and that at once. Here is the offer to pay it, every shilling, and to pay you!