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Some keen tongue she has, take it from me. At 9:30 I backed out under fire, leavin' Vee with her ears pinked up and a smolderin' glow in them gray eyes of hers. If it hadn't been for puttin' myself in the quitter class I'd laid off Sunday night. But I just couldn't do that. So we stands another siege. No use tryin' to describe it. Cousin Myra's tactics are too sleuthy.

Say" he paused to stare at Ravenslee, keen-eyed and with jaws clamped rigid "you ain't a fly-cop one o' these sleuthy gum-shoe men, are ye?" "No." "Well, you ain't one o' these fool amateur guys doin' the dare-devil detective act like you read about in th' magazines, are ye?"

Peter waited until after dark, in order to indulge his sense of the romantic; also he flattered his self-importance by looking carefully about him as he walked down the street. He did not know just who would be shadowing him, but Peter wanted to be sleuthy. Also he had a bit of genuine anxiety.

Ellins, who are backin' this treasure hunt, I don't think there's a single party aboard that he hasn't given the sleuthy once-over to. I understand he was dead set against takin' any outsiders along from the first, even protestin' against Mrs. Mumford and old Professor Leonidas Barr.

Tuxedo, white tie, and neat trimmed siders in front of his ears. One of these quiet spoken, sleuthy movin' gents he is, a reg'lar stage valet. But he manages to give me the once-over real thorough as he's towin' me in. "This way, sir," says he, brushin' back the draperies and shuntin' me in among the leather chairs and Oriental rugs.

He don't do the bib act with his napkin, or try any sword-swallowin' stunt. "Now, what's it all about?" says I, as we gets to the pastry and demitasse. "Well," says Killam, after glancin' around sleuthy and seein' nobody more suspicious than a yawnin' 'bus boy, "I have found the lost treasure of José Caspar." "Have you?" says I, through a mouthful of strawb'ry shortcake. "When did he lose it?"

I asks. "If not she'd be coming back some time to-day. Shall we wait here a while, Mr. Ellins?" "I think I prefer a meeting on neutral grounds," says he. So we goes downstairs and paces up and down the sidewalk, watchin' the avenue traffic sleuthy. "Course she wouldn't start off without baggage," I suggests. "I'm not so certain," growls Old Hickory.

Maybe it was my play to stick it out with Ferdie and the old boy, but I couldn't see any percentage in that, with Vee gone; so I wanders casual into the hall, butts around through the music room, follows a bright light at the rear, and am almost run down by Marjorie hurrying the other way sleuthy. "Oh!" she squeals. "It's you, is it, Torchy? S-s-s-sh!" "What you shushin' about?" says I.

I simply wrote out an application for a job on the firm's stationery, and as they was generous with it I dashes off another note which I tucks in my pocket. Nothing sleuthy required. Why, say, I could have walked out with the letter file and the safe combination if I'd wanted to. So when I rings the bell up at Mr. Pettigrew's I has something besides hot air to shove at Perkins.

I couldn't deny that he looked it, either. Such a high-strung, jumpy party he is, always glancin' around suspicious. And that wanderin' store eye of his, scoutin' about on its own hook independent of the other, sort of adds to the general sleuthy effect. Kind of weird, too. But I tries to forget that and get down to business.