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On Major Garnet's suggestion, and so's to never get it mixed up with the Company's lands you know how carelessly our county records are kept I made a relinquishment to you of my half of your and my joint interest in those sixty acres. I never supposed I was going to make it one day the only piece of Widewood left you."

The Garnet's wheels bickered down the town's southern edge and out upon a low slope of yellow, deep-gullied sand and clay that scarce kept on a few weeds to hide its nakedness while gathering old duds and tins.

The detective had completed his second and more detailed search of the guest-rooms in time to hear the words and study the face of the last witness on Dr. Garnet's list. That was Eugene Russell. "One of life's persimmons long before frost!" Hastings thought, making swift appraisal. "A boneless spine chin like a sheep brave as a lamb." Russell could not conceal his agitation.

I've seen black eyes that went through you like a sword; I've seen blue eyes that drilled through you like an auger; and I've seen gray ones that bit through you like a cold-chisel; and I've seen now, there's Miss Garnet's, that just see through you without going through you at all O I don't like any of 'em! but Fannie Halliday's eyes Miss Fannie, I should say they seem to say, 'Come out o' that.

In his fortnight's travel through the New Dixie plumbago was the only mineral on which he had not heard the story based. A military horseman overtook the carriage and slackened to a fox-trot at Garnet's side. "Captain Champion, let me make you acquainted with Mr. Fair. Mr. Fair and his father have put money into our New Dixie, and he's just going around to see where he can put in more.

I bought my ticket, and made my way to the bookstall, where, in the interests of trade, I inquired in a loud and penetrating voice if they had got Jeremy Garnet's "Manoeuvres of Arthur." Being informed that they had not, I clicked my tongue reproachfully, advised them to order in a supply, as the demand was likely to be large, and spent a couple of shillings on a magazine and some weekly papers.

Garnet's presence, that Virginia was the Mother of Presidents; that the first slaves ever brought to this country came in Yankee ships; that Northern envy of Southern opulence and refinement had been the mainspring of the abolition movement; and with a smile of almost womanly heroism that he or his father at least had lost all his slaves in the war.

School himself as best he could, still an energy in his mien showed there was news from Suez. "What is it, old man," asked the slow-voiced invalid, "have they made the new slate?" "Yes, and the bill's passed empowering the three counties to levy the tax and take the stock. Oh, Garnet's a wheel-horse, yes, sir-ee! and Gamble and Bulger are a team!

"What then?" replied he, in answer to Garnet's question. "'Twould have rid the kingdom of a tyrant, and our faith of its bitterest enemy." The Jesuit smiled sadly. "As thou hast spoken," said he, "the King would be dead, and trouble us no more, but what of the Parliament? Is it then James alone who distresses us?" "Methinks," broke in Percy, "that our worthy father hath put it to us wisely.

Miss Garnet is new goods, as the boys say, and I'm not fashionable. Even our mothers ain't very well acquainted yet; though my mother's always regretted it; their tastes differ. My mother's literary, you know." "They say Miss Garnet's a great romp among other girls and an unmerciful mimic." "Don't you rather like that?" "Who, me? Lord, yes!