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I got hold of him this afternoon and told him what I'd do to him if he kept on with his game. He's living in an old loft at the back of the hotel garage, and he keeps a watch on you day and night. I thought I'd better come here and tell you, as you mightn't know about him." "You did quite right, Kemp. What's this boy like?" "An undersized putty-faced brat with a big head.

There was a wash room and a rough sort of sleeping room containing two cots situated in the second story of the Ideal Garage. Here Nick shed the loose garments of labour for the fashionably tight habiliments of leisure. Private chauffeurs whose employers housed their cars in the Ideal Garage used this nook for a lounge and smoker.

In two weeks perhaps it was less, though I want to be perfectly just Casey was back, afoot and standing bow-legged in the doorway of Bill Master's garage at Lund. "Gimme another one of them Ford auty-mo-biles," he requested, grinning a little. "I guess mebby I oughta take two or three but I'm a little short right now, Bill. I ain't been gitting any good luck at poker, lately."

"Wait till I throw the switch, and light up," said Horatio, for they had electricity at the Kinkaid place, and, of course, a bulb lighted in the garage was considered much safer than a lantern. As soon as the illumination came both boys set about examining the big touring car that occupied the garage.

The machine owners stop each day for lubricating oil and news and conversation; the non-owners stroll over to inspect the visiting cars and give advice when necessary; and the loafers have abandoned the implement store, Emerson's restaurant, and the back of McMuggins' drug store in favor of the garage, because they find about seven times as much there to talk about.

"I found that none of us was wounded, and so I guessed what had happened. However, while we were unconscious the villain, whoever he was, succeeded in running his car out of the garage and getting away. He locked the door after him, but I have managed to work it open again."

Cora, as we had always known and called her, was a full-blown, red-blooded, athletic girl who often drove cars for her employer in the days when steering-wheels manipulated by women were offered as clinching proof that society was headed for the dogs. Duncan McBride was chief mechanic in the garage repairshop.

What is the street address of Bleecker seven one eight o? Three hundred West Sixth. Thank you. A garage? Good-bye." "A garage?" echoed Dillon, his ears almost going up as he realized the importance of the news. "Yes," cried Garrick, himself excited. "Tom, call a cab. Let us hustle down there as quickly as we can." "One of those garages on the lower West Side," I heard Dillon say as I left.

But this was afterward. The party started off from Hampton in high fettle and with a childlike trust in the honesty of a garage attendant. There were banks of clouds shrouding the horizon both to the west and north the two directions from which thunder showers usually rise in this part of New England in which they were traveling. And yet the shower held off.

His father gave him a car for a wedding present, which for the present is being stored at Howards End." "I suppose you have a garage there?" "Yes. My husband built a little one only last month, to the west of the house, not far from the wych-elm, in what used to be the paddock for the pony." The last words had an indescribable ring about them.