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Only about ten per cent of the arable land on Poictesme will grow wine-melons. And if we start exporting Federation salvage the way you talk of, we'll be selling pieces instead of job lots. We'll net more, but " "That's just to get us started. The ships will be used, after that, to get to Tubal-Cain and Hiawatha and the planets of the Beta and Gamma Systems.

She's still sort of a pretty doll you know what I mean: as if you touched her she'd smear." He surveyed his shining self complacently in the mirror, smiled faintly, exposing a section of teeth. "She must be twenty-three anyway," he continued. "Twenty-two last month," said Gordon absently. "What? Oh, last month. Well, I imagine she's down for the Gamma Psi dance.

Forty-two planets in all, from a couple of methane-giants on Gamma to airless little things with one-sixth Terran gravity. Alpha II had been the only one in the Trisystem with an oxygen atmosphere and life. So Gartner had landed on it, and named it Poictesme, and the settlement that had grown up around the first landing site had been called Storisende.

We drove down to the town, finished our business transactions, and then went in the 'Vestal's' steam launch on board the 'Gamma, one of the new Chinese gunboats on her way out to China. After afternoon tea we all adjourned to the 'Sunbeam, where we found many other friends already arrived or arriving.

Now when we consider that in the oldest abbreviations the distinction between "id:gamma" "id:c" and "id:kappa" "id:k" is still regularly maintained; that the period, accordingly, when the sounds became in pronunciation coincident, and before that again the period during which the abbreviations became fixed, lies beyond the beginning of the Samnite wars; and lastly, that a considerable interval must necessarily have elapsed between the introduction of writing and the establishment of a conventional system of abbreviation; we must, both as regards Etruria and Latium, carry back the commencement of the art of writing to an epoch which more closely approximates to the first incidence of the Egyptian Sirius-period within historical times, the year 1321 B.C., than to the year 776, with which the chronology of the Olympiads began in Greece.

"Radiation is the least of our problems. I'd rather get an overdose of gamma then get blasted into space." A yell rang in his helmet. "Here comes the Connie!" Rip looked up, startled. The Consops cruiser passed directly overhead, about ten miles away. It was decelerating rapidly. Rip wondered why they hadn't spotted it earlier, then realized the Connie had come from the direction of the hot side.

Approximate periods were fixed for many of the revolving suns for Castor 342 years; for Gamma Leonis, 1200, Delta Serpentis, 375, Eta Bootis, 1681 years; Eta Lyræ was noted as a "double-double-star," a change of relative situation having been detected in each of the two pairs composing the group; and the occultation was described of one star by another in the course of their mutual revolutions, as exemplified in 1795 by the rapidly circulating system of Zeta Herculis.

"Alpha, beta, gamma, delta is the code, and with the word delta," he continued, "dhrink every drop of it, as if it was the last thing you were dhrinking on earth; as if the Lord stooped down to give ye a cup of blessing from His great flagon of eternal happiness.

At the close of the nineteenth century, over a hundred such objects had been registered, none brighter than the sixth magnitude, with the single exception of Gamma Argûs, the resplendent continuous spectrum of which, first examined by Respighi and Lockyer in 1871, is embellished with the yellow and blue rays distinctive of the type.

Of these the beta rays are deviated strongly by the magnetic field, the alpha much less so very slightly, in fact while the gamma rays are not affected at all.