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"You all know that the best of aiting and dhrinking is provided when a runaway couple is expected; and indeed there was galore of both there. My uncle and all that were within welcomed us again; and many a good song and hearty jug of punch was sent round that night.

Squire's at laste, most of you do and ould Willy Butledge, the fiddler, that spint his time between Tom's and the big house God,be good to Wilty! it's himself was the droll man entirely: he died of ating boiled banes, for a wager that the Squire laid on him agin ould Captain Mint, and dhrinking porter after them till he was swelled like a tun; but the Squire berried him at his own expense.

I don't want you to be dhrinking, and ating, and going about with him. God forbid! you're too good for that. But when you find he wants a frind, come forward, and thry and make him do something for himself. You can't but come together; you'll be the executhor in the will; won't you, Martin? and then he'll meet you about the property; he can't help it, and you must meet then as frinds.

So you see we is to be married in the room inside, where the two beds is, and they is to come out of it, and the supper is to be there, Miss, you see, and the most of the dhrinking, and then we'll have the big kitchen comfortable to oursells for the music and the dancing. And what do you think!

"The furniture is mostly removed, and sates made round the walls, where the neighbors sit smoking, chatting, and gosthering. The best of aiting and dhrinking that they can afford is provided; and, indeed, there is generally open house, for it's unknown how people injure themselves by their kindness and waste at christenings, weddings, and wakes.

Thady come down and immediately comed into the inside room, where the men war sitting dhrinking, and I war wid them: thin one of the men, a tinent to Mr. Thady, up and tould the masther all as I've tould yer honours, of what took place at the Widdy's in Mohill, and how av Mr. Thady would jine them to rid the counthry of the Captain, they'd stand to him, and wouldn't let Mr.

"There, jewel machree!" she continued to Andy, soothingly, "don't take on you that way don't be afeerd, you're among friends Jack is only dhrunk dhrinking your health, darlin', but he adores you." Andy screeched. "But don't be afeerd, you'll be thrated tender, and he'll marry you, darlin', like an honest woman!" Andy squalled. "But not to-night, jewel don't be frightened."

The future had something tangible for his grasp now; and he only grudged every hour spent away from his sphere of labour as an opportunity of advantage lost. 'They wor very kind to us, observed Andy, from his elevation in the waggon; 'an' this counthry bates all the world at 'ating and dhrinking.

"Guardian angels I hear their voices singin' a dhrinking song Oh! if I had a dhrop o' water myself, for my mouth is as dhry as a lime-burner's wig and I on the top o' their house see there's the little blaze again I wondher is their chimbley afire Oh! murther, I'll die o' thirst Oh! if I had only one dhrop o' wather I wish it would rain or hail Hail, Mary, full o' grace whisht! what's that?"

She said I was a drunkard, and beat her. Beat her, God help me!" stretching forth two trembling hands. "And they believed her, o' course. Now, when I kem back, there's me little place all thrampled by the boys, and she's away wid a ship's captain, saving your presence, miss, dhrinking in the 'George the Fourth'. O my, but it's hard on an old man!" and he fell to sobbing again. The girl sighed.