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It was her custom, when the boys were sent out with the flock, to make expeditions to the down just to see what they were up to; and hiding her approach by keeping to a hedge-side or by means of the furze-bushes, she would sometimes come upon them with disconcerting suddenness.

I was on some sort of a heathy common mottled over with dark clumps of furze-bushes. Far away stretched a line of houses, with a light here and there in the upper windows. On the other side I saw the red signal-lamps of a railway. "The carriage which had brought me was already out of sight.

There was an inner circle closely huddled, and outside these they radiated wider apart, the pattern formed by the flock as a whole not being unlike a vandyked lace collar, to which the clump of furze-bushes stood in the position of a wearer's neck. opinion. He knew now that he was right, and that Troy was wrong. Every voice in nature was unanimous in bespeaking change.

Elsmere neither read nor reasoned. He spent his days in the school, in the village, pottering about the Mile End cottages, or the new institute sometimes fishing, sometimes passing long summer hours on the commons with his club boys, hunting the ponds for caddises, newts, and water-beetles, peering into the furze-bushes for second broods, or watching the sand-martins in the gravel-pits, and trudging home at night in the midst of an escort of enthusiasts, all of them with pockets as full and, miry as his own, to deposit the treasures of the day in the club-room.

"I've got eyes in my head, same as you chaps as come from London, and think yerselves so precious sharp. Yer've no right to come down and pick what's meant for poor people. Give 'em here." He wrenched the basket from Tom's arm, and scattered its contents away amongst the furze-bushes, sending the basket after them. "There, that's what you'll get if yer comes picking and stealing here.

The thresholds are deserted; the yards are empty. Where are the inhabitants? One would think that they had all left the village to lie in wait behind the furze-bushes to catch a glimpse of the Blues who are about to pass through the ravine. The church is poor and perfectly bare.

French, "Pipit des arbres," "Pipit des buissons." A very numerous summer visitant to all the Islands, breeding in great numbers in the parts suited to it. In the Vale it was very common, many of the furze-bushes on L'Ancresse Common containing nests.

And bush-ranging was the same. 'As a matter of fact, he said, 'I was bush-ranging this afternoon, among the furze-bushes on the Heath, but I had no luck. I stopped the Lord Mayor in his gilt coach, with all his footmen in plush and gold lace, smart as cockatoos. But it was no go. The Lord Mayor hadn't a stiver in his pockets.

Yeobright saw a little figure wending its way between the scratching furze-bushes, and diminishing far up the valley a pale-blue spot in a vast field of neutral brown, solitary and undefended except by the power of her own hope. But the worst feature in the case was one which did not appear in the landscape; it was the man.

"Do you know, I can hardly believe that I have only seen this place once before; it is so familiar. I seem to know quite well that slope of common before the door, with its black dots of furze-bushes. And that wood below; what a clear line its top makes against the yellow sky! There, that high ground to the right; it's all dusky now, but it is such a view by daylight.