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And then if I'm good and not too bright they'll raise me to 250 pounds in a couple of years' time, and so it'll go on nothing but fug, and dinge, and skimping, and planning with a fortnight at the seaside once a year or a run over to Paris. I suppose it was good enough for our grandfathers, Stonehouse this just keeping alive? But it didn't seem good enough to me.

The colonel made a mental note of the closed door; he looked at the porthole it was also closed. The Pathan loves a good "fug," especially in a European winter, and the colonel had had trouble with his patients about ventilation. A kind of guerilla warfare, conducted with much plausibility and perfect politeness, had been going on for some days between him and the Pathans.

"Rather," replied her son, whose horizon three months before had been bounded by the playing fields of Dartmouth College, where the dormitories are maintained at an even temperature by costly and hygienic methods. "We're in four watches, you know we get one night in in four. At sea we sleep at our guns. I've got one of the six-inch, and we get up quite a good fug in our casemate at night.

Luckily we had those round oil stoves; and with flaps securely fastened at night we achieved what was known as a "perfectly glorious fug." Engineers began to make frequent trips to camp to choose a suitable site for the huts we were to have to replace our tents. My jobs on the little lorry were many and varied; getting the weekly beer for the Sergeants' Mess being one of the least important.

We come to lend our presence to what might otherwise develop into an unseemly brawl " He helped himself to a walnut out of a dish on the sideboard. "Here comes my colleague the Secretary-bird. He, too, is more grieved than angry." The Secretary entered warily, and intending combatants girded their loins for battle. "Pouf!" he exclaimed. "What a fug!" And elevated his nose with a sniff.

Reader, will you wonder? here is the inscription: "Qui Dæmone pejus? Mulier rixosa: fug ..." "But what does it mean?" said my curious brunette. "Señora, that you are lovely." "Stuff, sir! not at all;" and she tossed her graceful head pettishly; "I really wish you to translate it." "Well here, then: 'Qui Dæmone pejus' dark women; 'mulier rixosa' are the loveliest." "No, no!

"Tuppence" did not take at all kindly to the new order of things; he missed chasing the mice that used to live under the tent boards and other minor attractions of the sort. The draughtiness and civilization of the new huts compared with the "fug" of the tents all combined to give us chills! I had a specially bad one, and managed with great skill to wangle a fortnight's sick leave in Paris.

"What a fug!" said Osborn. "All right," said Roselle, "go away, then! I shall be an hour dressing. You'd better wait in the sitting-room; there's a Sunday paper there, and a fire if the woman's lighted it." The woman was kindling the fire hastily and grumbling when he went into the sitting-room, still in its state of early morning frowsiness.

In this fug hole, with the sun shining? Out with it, Martin. Get it off your chest, old son." Just for an instant Martin was hugely tempted to make a clean breast of everything to this good-hearted, tempestuous person, under whose tight skin there was an uncommon amount of shrewdness. But it meant dragging Joan into open discussion, and that was all against his creed.

The Grammar School at Market Snodsbury had, I understood, been built somewhere in the year 1416, and, as with so many of these ancient foundations, there still seemed to brood over its Great Hall, where the afternoon's festivities were to take place, not a little of the fug of the centuries.