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The Captain speaks: "And up to this evening I've managed to hide it somehow, but now well, it's more than any man can. You've bewitched me Frue, completely." "I didn't think you cared so much, really," she answers gently, trying to help him along. "Well, I do," he says. "And I can't stand it any longer, and that's the truth.

"Spofforth was the best bowler that ever walked on to a cricket-field. He was the great Australian Bowler and he taught us a great deal." "Did he ever kill a dog?" from Dimples. "No, boy. Why?" "Because Laddie said there was a bowler so fast that his ball went frue a coat and killed a dog." "Oh, that's an old yarn.

The cloth is thus dragged upwards against a small stream of water and sand fed to it by a second man, the first man not only turning the handle but giving a lateral motion to the band by means of a rope tied to one side. Chinamen were working these forerunners of the Frue vanner forty years ago in Australia, and getting fair returns.

No need to do anything really but listen; only my brain is so over-rested with idleness and good sound sleep, it finds no end of things to busy itself about. Last evening I determined in all seriousness to go to Fru Falkenberg and say: "Go away from here, Frue; leave by the first train that goes."

"The power necessary for different mill parts is: For each 850lb. stamp, dropping 6 in. 95 times per minute, 1.33 h.-p. For each 750lb. stamp, dropping 6 in. 95 times per minute, 1.18 h.-p. For each 650lb. stamp, dropping 6 in. 95 times per minute, 1.00 h.-p. For an 8-inch by 10-inch Blake pattern rock-breaker 9.00 h.-p. For a Frue or Triumph vanner, with 220 revolutions per min. 0.50 h.-p.

The lamp burned late into the night as these two men sat by it talking; and the conversation was not, as one of them had planned, for the most part about the land of America and its material opportunities. "Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:33. "I cannot understand him," Frue Bogstad was saying. "His actions are so strange."

He could think of nothing but the letter, and went on about it again: "For there was no need to have all that mystery about a letter from home. No; I see it all now. Want to go in, you say? Well then, go in, Fru, by all means. Godnat, Frue. My dutiful respects, as from a son." He bowed, and stood watching her with a sneering smile. "A son? Oh yes," she replied, with sudden emotion. "I am old, yes.

The Frue vanner is an endless indiarubber band drawn over an inclined table, to which a revolving and side motion is given by ingenious automatic mechanism, the pulp being automatically fed from the upper end, and the concentrates collected in a trough containing water in which the band is immersed in its passage under the table; the lighter particles wash over the lower end.

At Hauserplads there was an inn kept by a man he knew he would look him up. Maybe he could give him a little help in managing the affair. The street-lamps were just being lit, although it was not nearly dark; evidently there was no lack of money here. Lars Peter clattered in his big boots down towards Frue Plads, examining the houses as he went.

My husband now...." "Ah, but what about me!" cries the Captain. "I tell you, Frue, if I'd only met you twenty years ago, I wouldn't have answered for my reason. Come; there's no dew to speak of up in the wood." "We'd better go indoors, I think," she suggests. "Go in? There's not a corner anywhere indoors where we can be alone." "Oh, we'll find somewhere!" she says.