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So he went on hurriedly, and Honoria thought him a wonder. They came to W. He stopped, out of breath. "I don't understand the ending at all," said Honoria. "What is a Ship of Stars?" "Haven't you ever seen one?" "No." "I have. There's a story about it " "Tell me about it." "I'll tell you lots of stories afterwards; about the Frog-king and Aladdin and Man Friday and The Girl who trod on a Loaf."

We were pacing down the length of the bridge, guards of the Akka beside us, others following with those companies of ladala that had rushed to aid us; in front of us the bandaged Rador swung gently within a litter; beside him, in another, lay Nak, the frog-king much less of him than there had been before the battle began, but living. Hours had passed since the terror I have just related.

But now that all has changed, and I will beg the gods for a son." And, sure enough, before long Sia's parents-in-law appeared in the house clad in red garments, and shortly after heaven sent the happy pair two sons instead of one. From that time on their intercourse with the Frog-King was never interrupted.

Next, under the direction of the frog-king, levies commanded by subsidiary chieftains had completed rows of rough walls along the probable route of the Murians through the cavern. These afforded the Akka a fair protection behind which they could hurl their darts and spears curiously enough they had never developed the bow as a weapon.