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The Yellow Hammer is included in Professor Ansted's list, and marked as occurring in Guernsey and Sark. There are also a pair in the Museum. CHAFFINCH. Fringilla caelebs, Linnaeus. French, "Pinson ordinaire," "Grosbec pinson." The Chaffinch is resident, tolerably common, and generally distributed throughout the Islands, but is nowhere so common as in England.

On the American finches, see Audubon, 'Ornithological Biography, vol. i. pp. 174, 221, and Jerdon, 'Birds of India, vol. ii. p. 383. On the Fringilla cannabina of Madeira, Mr. Ornaments of all kinds, whether permanently or temporarily gained, are sedulously displayed by the males, and apparently serve to excite, attract, or fascinate the females.

I may here add that I have, with little success, endeavoured, by consulting various works, to decide how far the period of variation in birds has generally determined the transmission of characters to one sex or to both. For instance, the males of Tanagra aestiva and Fringilla cyanea require three years, the male of Fringilla ciris four years, to complete their beautiful plumage.

BRAMBLING. Fringilla montifringilla, Linnaeus. French, "Pinson d'Ardennes." "Grosbec d'Ardennes." The Brambling can only be considered an occasional autumn and winter visitant, and probably never very numerous. I have never seen the bird in the Channel Islands myself. I have, however, one specimen a female killed in Brock Road, Guernsey, in December, 1878, and I have been informed by Mr.

For the goldfinch of N. America, Fringilla tristis, Linn., see Audubon, 'Ornithological Biography, vol. i. p. 172. I am indebted to Mr. Blyth for information as to the Buphus; see also Jerdon, 'Birds of India, vol. iii. p. 749. On the Alca, see Macgillivray, 'Hist. Brit. Birds, vol. v. p. 347. On the Fringilla leucophrys, Audubon, ibid. vol. ii. p. 89.

Hammering, difficulty of. Hancock, A., on the colours of the nudibranch Mollusca. Hands, larger at birth, in the children of labourers; structure of, in the quadrumana; and arms, freedom of, indirectly correlated with diminution of canines. Handwriting, inherited. Handyside, Dr., supernumerary mammae in men. Harcourt, E. Vernon, on Fringilla cannabina. Hare, protective colouring of the.

We often see him perched upon a dead tree that stands in the water, a few rods from the shore, apparently watching our angling operations from his leafless perch, where he sings so sweetly, that the very desolation of the scene borrows a charm from his voice that renders every object delightful. This bird I believe to be the Fringilla palustris of Wilson.