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I've been a newspaper man since I left college. But I threw up my job six months ago. Since then I've been free-lancing." "Have, hey?" The captain was too polite to ask further questions, but he had not the slightest idea what "free-lancing" might be. Pearson divined his perplexity and explained.

He took a first class in the Classical Tripos and we thought his brilliant career was assured but somehow circumstances baffled him; he had a terrible time for a dozen years or so, taking pupils, acting, free-lancing in journalism, his father having, in the meanwhile, died suddenly penniless; and then Fortune smiled on him. He secured a professorship at an Australian University.

After a moment's consideration, he offered Ercole fifty gold florins in earnest of good faith and the promise of pay, thereafter, at the rate of twenty gold florins a month for as long as he should need his services and Ercole, who in all his free-lancing days had never earned the tenth of such a sum, was ready to fall upon this most noble gentleman's neck, and weep for very joy and brotherly affection.

War! It was the first of August, 1914, and I almost ran home from the city to tell the news to my people. War! It was like we'd be in it. War between England and Germany. That war we had all heard of and knew was inevitable. The war of the ages was imminent. I had been free-lancing in Fleet Street for the past three months.

"This war will alter our lives very greatly," said my aunt one evening in this month, as we sat around the fire. We have all a trace of second sight. Most old families of the north of Ireland can claim to be "fey." "It will," said I, "for free-lancing is getting played out. I shall have to get steady work." No more was said, and no special work came my way.

But the main fleet scattered over two hundred miles of sea. MacRae could have called it a season and quit with honor and much profit. Or he might have gone north and bought salmon here and there, free-lancing. He did neither. There were enough gill-netters operating on Gower's territory to give him fair cargoes.

Every temptation that comes to us He has felt the sharp edge of, and can overcome. Every problem, every difficulty, every opportunity He knows, and is right there, swinging in rhythmic step alongside. It's yoked living and yoked service. In Step with Jesus. Then please mark keenly that this surrender is for surrendered service. No free-lancing here. No guerrilla warfare, no bushwhacking.

"Here, at last is the good news we have both been waiting for! I have been offered exactly the kind of billet I wanted that of estate-agent to a big land-owner. The salary is a really generous one, and there's a jolly little cottage goes with it, so that you'll be able to chuck free-lancing and come and keep house for me as we've always planned. Needless to say, I've accepted the job!

"I don't know very much about human beings, I admit," said Maya humbly. "But of all the insects you bees have most to do with human beings. That's a well-known fact." "I left our kingdom," Maya confessed timidly. "I didn't like it. I wanted to learn about the outside world." "Well, well, what do you think of that!" The mosquito drew a step nearer. "How do you like your free-lancing?

But Do I understand that you mean me to join your permanent staff, and come and work here in the building every day? 'Why, yes; yes, to be sure. 'I see. It meant an end to my free-lancing then. But, after all, what had this free-lancing meant, since my marriage? It would provide a place to work in. The hours might not be excessive.