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Just beyond Bovillae they had a third collision, in which one pole of the litter was snapped and two of the bearers injured. It barely missed resulting in a free-fight. All of Vocco's tact was needed to allay the feelings on both sides. By great good luck he succeeded in getting a substitute litter-pole from a near-by inn without too much publicity.

And the old sow kept grunting and sleeping peacefully in the sun while her children got their dinner in the usual free-fight fashion. "Now," Fosdick raised his heavy, square-pointed finger and shook it at the horrified Mrs.

Now the country is grown up; the public land is gone; business is full on all sides, and the hand that turned itself to something else has lost its cunning. The struggle for life has changed from a free-fight to an encounter of disciplined forces, and the free-fighters that are left get ground to pieces between organized labor and organized capital.

The government might well fear a scandalous scene the Forum with its lanes and porticoes crowded by a snarling holiday crowd, the laudation of the speakers interrupted by gibes and howls, the free-fight that would probably follow the performance of the obsequies. But suppression means rumour. The mystery was profoundly enjoyed by this and subsequent ages.