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The enemy soon rallied, and attempted first his right and then his left flank; but the evolutions of Marion were quite as ready, and, by changing his front promptly, and availing himself of the cover afforded by the houses and the fences, he showed the hazard of attempting a second charge to be too great for such a force as that of Frasier.

"Do you have a middle name?" "Yes, but why do you want to know that?" "I don't know. I do. I like to know who I'm talking with." "Frasier." "Well, Michael Frasier Quest, I apologize that my son said the F word to his teacher. All right? This was disrespectful and I'll talk with him gently, nose free and out of the coat rack, and we'll see if we can calmly detach this word from his lexicon.

The mansion and his extensive range of negro houses afforded ample shelter for such a force as that which Marion commanded. With the gradual advance of Frasier, Marion seems to have been acquainted, but in the absence of his cavalry his only mode of obtaining intelligence was through his officers. These alone, of all the party in camp, were provided with horses.

While he held his position at Watboo, after he had beaten Frasier, he was advised that a British party, which had been dispatched to procure water at Lempriere's Point, could be cut off with little difficulty. The British were then preparing for embarkation.

Ignorant of Marion's return, believing him to be still at Georgetown, whither, it was known, he had taken all his cavalry, a detachment of dragoons, more than one hundred strong, was sent from Charleston, under Major Frasier, against the post at Watboo. The rapidity of Marion's movements brought him back in season for its safety.

* Johnson's Life of Greene, Vol. 2, p. 319. Marion summoned with his Force to that of Greene Insurrection of the Loyalists on the Pedee Marches against them Subdues them Treats with Gainey Fanning Protects the Tory, Butler, from his Men Returns to the Country between the Santee and the Cooper Moves to protect Georgetown from the British Fleet Takes post at Watboo, on Cooper River Defeats the British Cavalry under Major Frasier.

With the approach of Frasier, Marion dispatched his messengers in search of his cavalry, and to call in his pickets. Some of the latter had joined him before the enemy appeared. Frasier exhibited considerable conduct in making his approaches. He had taken an unfrequented route, and had succeeded in capturing some of the out-sentinels of our partisan.

The commanding officers further direct that the remainder of the detatchmen shall form two messes; and that the same be constituded as follows. Patroon, Baptist Dechamps Engages Etienne Mabbauf Paul Primaut Charles Hébert Baptist La Jeunesse Peter Pinaut Peter Roi & Joseph Collin 1 Corpl. Richard Warvington. Privates. 2 Robert Frasier 3 John Boleye 4 John Dame 5 Ebinezer Tuttle & 6 Isaac White

Hogan, Chief Surgeon, Lieutenant R. Pemberton, Judge Advocate, Lieutenant Colonel Frasier, Colonel Hooper, Lieutenant Colonel Barber, Adjutant General, the Reverend S. Kirkland, Chaplain, and others most agreeable but too numerous to mention.