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She starts to wurruk right away an' what Hogan calls th' doctrine iv av'rages is always with thim that starts early an' makes manny plays. But th' Dhream iv Beauty figures out that she can wait an' take her pick an' 'tis not ontil she is bumpin' thirty that she wakes up with a scream to th' peril iv her position an' runs out an' pulls a man down fr'm th' top iv a bus.

O'Brien disappeared fr'm th' r-road durin' th' fire, he had some property on th' South Side, an' wasn't seen or heerd tell iv f'r a day. Th' nex' mornin' th' rayport come in that he was seen walkin' over th' red bridge with a baby in his arms.

"But Simpson said he did not care to be a martyr. He said he was a retail grocer be pro-fissyon an' Hip Lung was a customer iv his, though he got most iv his vittles fr'm th' taxydermist up th' sthreet an' he thought he'd go around to-morrah an' concilyate him. So he wint away. "Hogan, d'ye mind, has a theery that it's all been up with us blondes since th' Jap'nese war. Hogan is a prophet.

They ar-re in a war that'd make th' British throops in Africa think they were drillin' f'r a prize banner. But'tis an onfashionable war. 'Tis an ol' war made over fr'm garments formerly worn be heroes.

'I don't know how th' Union'll feel about it, but that's no business iv mine, he says. 'Ye will get ye'er wur-rkin-cards fr'm th' walkin' diligate, he says; 'an' ye'll be entitled, he says, 'to pay ye'er share iv th' taxes an' to live awhile an' die whin ye get r-ready, he says, 'jus' th' same as if ye was bor-rn at home, he says.

So long . . . don't let them ducks get loose on yous and come at yous fr'm behind, whilst maybe you'd be dozin' off." And with this parting injunction he was gone. A Cast for Fortune The incident of the frustrated safe robbery was an incident closed, so far as any difference in Dorgan's attitude toward me was concerned, at the moment when he disappeared through the open window of the pay-office.

Th' goold chandeliers is draped with r-ropes iv dimon's an' pearls. Th' hired girl is passin' dhrinks in goolden goblets. Twinty firemen fr'm th' New York Cinthral Railroad is shovellin' dimon'-studded pickle crutes into th' back yard, among th' yachts an' horses. Chansy Depoo enthers an' thrips over a box iv bonds.

''Tis a long way fr'm ye'er plant to here, he says, 'an' be th' time a cargo iv liberty, he says, 'got out here an' was handled be th' middlemen, he says, 'it might spoil, he says. 'We don't want anny col' storage or embalmed liberty, he says.

He made a lot iv it in dhrivin' a ca-ar, he did, but he blew it all in again good liquor an' bad women; an', bedad, he was broke half th' time an' borrowin' th' other half. So Hogan gets in Father Kelly fr'm up west iv th' bridge, an' they set in with Dinnis to talk him out iv his spindthrift ways. 'I have plenty to keep mesilf, says Hogan, he says.

'They can't r- run, he says, 'except whin they're Ph'lipinos behind thim, he says. 'Well r-run, he says, an' he welted th' man fr'm Matsachoosetts with his cane. 'Be careful what ye're doin' there, says th' Anglo-Saxon. 'If it wasn't f'r th' 'liance I'd punch ye'er head off, he says.