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But of course aunt spoiled it all her pretty speech, I mean. "June," she wheedled, "that handsome Maurice Voisin will be here, and I happen to know that he admires you very much. Charlie Wiltby says he is no end of a swell in Paris, and that he is really a rich man, who prefers to be modest, and avoids fortune-hunting girls.

"Such as it is, I shall be glad to give it; though I do not suppose you'll take it unless it suits your wishes." "Perhaps not," said Katherine, laughing; "but I think it will." "She is going to marry some fortune-hunting scamp," thought Miss Payne. "I was afraid no good would come of her visit to that little dressy dolly sister-in-law of hers."

"Who is it?" asked Tom, laying aside a pressure gauge he intended attaching to the gun. "He says his name is Peterson Alec Peterson. Do you want to see him?" "Yes, let him come up," directed the young inventor. "Do you hear that, Ned?" he called. "Our fortune-hunting friend is here." "Maybe he's found that lost opal mine," suggested Ned. "I hope he has, for dad's sake," went on Tom. "Hello, Mr.

In those days, I could see no excuse for Hippolyta, and ascribed no motives to her but fortune-hunting and despair at being a spinster so long; but I have since learnt to think that she had a genuine wish to be in a position of usefulness rather than to continue her aimless life of rattle and excitement, and that she had that impulse to take care of Eustace and protect him which strong-minded women sometimes seem to feel for weak men.

"You'll have to learn it then; let her once suspect your true character a drinking, gambling, fortune-hunting roue and she'll turn from you with the same fear and loathing that she would feel for a venomous reptile." "Ha, ha! you're in a complimentary mood to-night, Dinsmore.

Elsa married to that wicked, cynical, devil-possessed, battered, fortune-hunting adventurer with a nameless past! This must be prevented at any cost. With his father her lot must be a hell; with himself after a period of storm and doubt perhaps it could scarcely be other than happy, for was he not young, handsome, sympathetic, and devoted? Ah! there was the real point.

And that was the main reason, she said, why Miss Adiante broke with him and went abroad her dear child wouldn't have Mr. Philip abused for fortune-hunting. As for the religion, they could each have practised their own: her father would have consented to the fact, when it came on him in that undeniable shape of two made one. She says, Miss Adiante has a mighty soul; she has brave ideas.

With this popular sport he combined the diversion of fortune-hunting, though we are concerned to say that his success, up to the period of our introduction, had not been commensurate with his deserts. Let us, however, hope that brighter days are about to dawn upon him.

Roger Carbury said well that it was very improbable that he and his cousin, the widow, should agree in their opinions as to the expedience of fortune-hunting by marriage. It was impossible that they should ever understand each other. To Lady Carbury the prospect of a union between her son and Miss Melmotte was one of unmixed joy and triumph.

After assisting Mrs. Clearstarch, the Kilburn laundress, in getting in and taking out her washing, for a few weeks, chance at last landed him at Mr. Benjamin Buckram's, from whence he is now about to be removed to become our hero Mr. Sponge's Sancho Panza, in his fox-hunting, fortune-hunting career, and disseminate in remote parts his doctrines of the real honour and dignity of servitude.