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Whether purposely or not, everything has been done to check free communication between the Papal and Neapolitan States, and in this respect the Government has been eminently successful. The two countries are totally distinct. A Neapolitan is a forestiere in Rome, and vice versa.

And they went forth into the sunshine. Salvatore was talking to some fishermen from Catania upon the steps. They cast curious glances at Maurice as he came out with Maddalena, and, when Salvatore went off with his daughter and the forestiere, they laughed among themselves and exchanged some remarks that were evidently merry. But Maurice did not heed them. He was not a self-conscious man.

At Djoko Punda you enter the domain of the Forminiere, the corporation founded by a monarch and which has a kingdom for a partner. Woven into its story is the romance of a one-time barefoot Virginia boy who became the commercial associate of a king. What is the Forminiere and what does it do? The name is a contraction of Société Internationale Forestiere & Miniere du Congo.

Trees heaped upon trees had already filled up the ponds and marshes, and buried with them in the bowels of the earth to restore it to us, after thousands of ages, in the form of bituminous coal and of anthracite the carbon which was destined to become, by this wonderful condensation, a precious store of future wealth." Clave, Etudes sur l'Economie Forestiere, p. 13.

"Coelum non animum mutant," said the Roman poet long ago of travellers, but the modern traveller carries his sky with him. Instead of "Venice in London" 't is London in Venice. Carefully fenced off from the local life by his table d'hote, it is rarely that the Briton comes to understand that he and not the native is the foreigner, the forestiere.

His friend had deceived him, as almost any sharp-witted Neapolitan can deceive even a clever forestiere. Certainly he did not particularly wish to introduce his friend to Vere. Yet now he was thinking of the two in connection, and not without amusement. What would they be like together? How would Vere's divine innocence receive the amiable seductions of the Marchesino?

Of all the beautiful things with which Giotto adorned his city, not one speaks so powerfully to the foreign visitor the forestiere whom he and his fellows never took into account, tho who occupy so large a space among the admirers of his genius nowadays as the lovely Campanile which stands by the great cathedral like the white royal lily beside the Mary of the Annunciation, slender and strong and everlasting in its delicate grace.

"But it will soon be over now, my child," he said, "all the trouble and the nursing. You have been very good to the poor forestiere since the povera went to the blessed saints. I shall soon see her again, and Anita, and the little Giulio, in the better country that the signorina was reading about, better, she says, than the patria itself, with its olives and vines. Ah!

He would have done the same as his padrone in similar circumstances with a light heart, with no sense of doing wrong. Only sometimes he raised a warning voice. "Signorino," he would say, "do not forget what I have told you." "What, Gaspare?" "Salvatore is birbante. You think he likes you." "Why shouldn't he like me?" "You are a forestiere. To him you are as nothing. But he likes your money."

The boy jumped lightly out and came to them. When he stood still the Marchesino said, in his broadest Neapolitan: "Now then, tell me the truth! I'm a Neapolitan, not a forestiere. You've seen me for years at the Mergellina." "Si, Signore." "You're a Napolitano." "No, Signore. I am a Sicilian." There was a sound of pride in the boy's voice.