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Fopling, were sitting in their respective chairs, regarding each other with their usual suspicion and distrust. Mr. Fopling, by command of Bess and so far as he might control himself, was paying no attention to Ajax. Ajax, for his part, was surveying Mr. Fopling with a sour stare, as though he found much in that young gentleman's appearance to criticise.

True fops help nature's work, and go to school, To file and finish God Almighty's fool: Yet none Sir Fopling, him, or him, can call, He's Knight o'th' Shire, and represents you all. But this industry, to avoid the imputation of personal satire, but served to heighten it; and the town soon found out originals to his characters.

Etheredge's third comedy, The Man of Mode; or, Sir Fopling Flutter was produced at the Duke's Theatre in 1676. It met 'with extraordinary success'. Mrs. Behn points at Act iv, II. p. 186 Valentinian. The reference is to the Earl of Rochester's Valentinian, altered from Fletcher, which was produced with great applause at the Theatre Royal in 1684.

Bweak him; that's the way to punish such a fellah." "Why! what a malicious soul you have grown!" cried Bess in astonishment. "Really, Algy," Mr. Fopling's name was Algernon, "if you burst on us in this guise often, I for one shall stand in terror of you!" "But, weally," protested Mr. Fopling, "if you want to get even with a fellah, Bess, just bweak him!

He was rigorous to seem unruffled, and defended his calmness by talking general politics with Senator Hanway. Nor did he fall into the error of speaking of tempests in the stock market; and as for the recreant Storri, no one named him. Bess might have brought Mr. Fopling, for he was asked, could she have trusted that young gentleman on this point of Storri. But Mr.

Fopling's ears pricked up a flicker of interest and he betrayed symptoms of being about to speak. "Stow-wy!" exclaimed Mr. Fopling thoughtfully, as though identifying that nobleman, while Bess and Richard looked on as do folk who behold a miracle, "Stow-wy! I say, Stawms, why don't you go into Wall Stweet and bweak the beggah? He's always gambling, don't y' know!

After the last gloomy notice Mr. Harley went his defiant way, while Storri sank back a more deeply wounded wolf than ever. Mr. Harley drew his check and dispatched it to Mr. Fopling, and Richard in due course received a check from the latter. Mr. Harley did not allude to the transaction on those few and distant occasions when he and Mr. Fopling met; and Mr.

Fopling, burdened of his feuds with Ajax, soon forgot the affair in matters more important. Mr. Harley, when emancipated from the thraldom of Storri, was as dollarless so far as immediate cash was concerned as was the stripped Storri himself. But in the rebound of spirit which followed, Mr. Harley's genius regained its old-time elasticity.

Fopling call during the afternoon; she required the morning for her household duties, and, when not screening Dorothy from Storri, saved the evening for her books. Ajax was a grave and formal cat, and, in his way, a personage. He was decorous to a degree, unbended in no confidences with strangers, and hated Mr.

Fopling reproachfully. "Mistake, I assure you!" said Richard, again giving Mr. Fopling his hand. "Well, please don't wepeat it!" returned Mr. Fopling a bit sulkily. "It gives me a most beastly sensation, don't y' know, to see a chap cawessing Bess; it does, weally!" "Hush, child!" said Bess; "you excite yourself about nothing."