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"That's enough!" replied Mayakin. And immediately after this there fell a minute of perfect, painful silence. People were coming up to the table noiselessly, on tiptoe, and when they were near they stretched their necks to see Foma. "Well, Fomka, do you understand now what you have done?" asked Mayakin. He spoke softly, but all heard his question. Foma nodded his head and maintained silence.

"The day before yesterday, at three o'clock in the night, you, Tolkatchenko, were inciting Fomka Zavyalov at the 'Forget-me-not." "Upon my word!" cried the latter, jumping up, "I scarcely said a word to him, and what I did say was without intention, simply because he had been flogged that morning. And I dropped it at once; I saw he was too drunk.

"What sort of a life is now possible to you? Do you know that now no one of us would care even as much as to spit on you?" "What have I done?" Foma tried to understand. The merchants stood around him in a dense, dark mass. "Well," said Yashchurov, "now, Fomka, your work is done." "Wait, we'll see," bellowed Zubov in a low voice. "Let me free!" said Foma. "Well, no! we thank you humbly!"

'Delighted to make your acquaintance. When you have an opportunity, hope you'll come and see me.... But where is that Fomka, Tihon Ivanitch? he went on with heat; 'the hare was run down without him. 'His horse fell down under him, replied Tihon Ivanitch with a smile. 'Fell down! Orbassan fell down? Pugh! tut!... Where is he? 'Over there, behind the copse.

A sturdy lad came in, in a green nankin long coat, with a blue collar and livery buttons. 'Tell Fomka, said Tchertop-hanov abruptly, 'to bring in Ammalat and Saiga, and in good order, do you understand? Karp gave a broad grin, uttered an indefinite sound, and went away. Fomka made his appearance, well combed and tightly buttoned up, in boots, and with the hounds.

But when Ignat came home intoxicated during the day he immediately seized his son with his enormous paws and carried him about the rooms, asking him with an intoxicated, happy laughter: "Fomka! What do you wish? Speak! Presents? Playthings? Ask! Because you must know there's nothing in this world that I wouldn't buy for you. I have a million! Ha, ha, ha! And I'll have still more! Understand?

"Ah! Well, then, of course. Excuse me, Foma Ignatyevich. But as you brought him, Yakov, you ought to subdue him. Otherwise it's no good." Foma maintained silence and smiled. And the merchants, too, were silent, as they looked at him. "Eh, Fomka!" began Mayakin. "Again you disgrace my old age."

And with you, sir, he went on, turning to me, 'we'll settle matters another time.... Fomka, a bench for his excellency. From a special stable which I had not at first observed they led out Peacock. A powerful dark sorrel horse seemed to fly across the yard with all its legs in the air. Sitnikov even turned away his head and winked. The prince laughed.