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With all rights now equalised, the inhabitants of the remaining provinces of Spain differ as widely from one another as they do from the sister kingdom, while the folklore of Asturias and of the Basque Provinces is very closely allied with that of Portugal.

I'm picking berries now twenty-five cents a gallon for the first picking. Fifteen and twenty cents is the regular prices. "I haven't got children and I don't know what they ought to do. I reckon they do the best they can. "Times is hard on me. It takes me all the time to make a living." Pine Bluff District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Martin & Barker Subject: Negro Customs

The famous action against the ghosts in the Eyrbyggja Saga was not before a Christian court, and is too well known for quotation. Thorel v. Tinel. Action for libel in 1851. Mr. Dale Owen's incomplete version of this affair. The suit really a trial for witchcraft. Spectral obsession. Movements of objects. Rappings. Incidental folklore. Old G. Thorel and the cure. The wizard's revenge.

I say a book might be written upon it, and there is no doubt that a great many articles and pamphlets must have been written upon it, for the French are furiously given to local research and reviews, and to glorifying their native places: and when they cannot discover folklore they enrich their beloved homes by inventing it.

J. F. Campbell, to whom the science of Folklore owes an incalculable debt, describes a condition of things in the Western Highlands extremely favourable to the cultivation of folk-tales. Quoting from one of his most assiduous collectors, he says that most of the inhabitants of Barra and South Uist are Roman Catholics, unable to speak English or to read or write.

Their explanation of this custom was so incoherent that I was sure it was a survival of the belief that a ghost could not cross running water, but perhaps that interpretation was only my eagerness for finding folklore. The fine old house responded kindly to repairs, its wide hall and open fireplace always insuring it a gracious aspect.

When the dark ages were over, when learning revived, the learned turned their minds to 'Psychical Research, and Wier, Bodin, Le Loyer, Georgius Pictorius, Petrus Thyraeus, James VI., collected many instances of the phenomena still said to survive. Then, for want of better materials, the unhappy, tortured witches dragged into their confessions all the folklore which they knew.

But I don't think that. I believe we should all do good to everybody." Folklore: Ex-Slaves Paulding Co., District 10 MARY BELLE DEMPSEY Ex-Slave, 87 years "I was only two years old when my family moved here, from Wilford county, Kentucky. 'Course I don't remember anything of our slave days, but my mother told me all about it." "The man who owned my father and mother was a good man."

These similarities are assuredly suggestive and interesting, but it appears to the writer that the material is too scanty and the folklore of intervening lands too little known to justify us in considering them as convincing proof of borrowing over such immense distances. General Results Our study has brought out certain general results.

They are well read in history but have never been favorably inclined toward either German education or language. They admire and love the French and invited the French Government to open a school in Belgrade. They have their own literature and folklore, their own popular music and national songs.