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Last of all, you must understand that this Spirit of Copper is a fiery Spirit, penetrating, searching and consuming all evil Humours, and superfluous Flegme in Man and Metals, and may in reason be accounted the Crown of Medicines; it is very fiery and sharp, incombustible, but spiritual and unformal, and therefore as a Spirit it can particularly help to make unformal things fiery, digest and ripen them; and if you are a true Naturalist, I recommend this Spirit unto thee; it will not fail thee in the least, in any necessity of Health or Wealth, in case you observe it rightly, and execute according to Justice.

How the Hippocratic humors dominated practice at this time you may see at a glance from the table prepared by Nicaise from the works of de Mondeville. We have here the whole pathology of the period. F. aqueux. Flegme F. mucilagineux. F. vitreux. Flegme non naturel F sale. F. doux. F. pontique, 2 especes. F. acide, 2 especes. Bile naturelle. Bile B. citrine.

Puzzledom reigned in Havre that night. English people are credited in France with any form of eccentricity, so long as it conforms with traditions of le flègme britannique; but there was not much flègme about Liosha's embrace, and so the good Havrais were mystified. There was no following Liosha. She had made her exit.