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He felt insanely inclined to pick up her little boots, one after the other, and go down on his knees and kiss them; her hat was a flopsy turban, from under the brim of which the most adorable of golden-brown curls half escaped to throw kiss-shadows on her rosy cheeks. And Gloria's eyes! This time there was no door between them, nor even the memory of a door.

He turned to speak of these to Phil; but his little companion, he saw, had meantime drifted off to dreamland. By Beatrix Potter Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. They lived with their mother in a sand-bank, underneath the root of a very big fir-tree. "Now, my dears," said old Mrs.

To Flopsy's acquaintance he would aspire gladly, only hoping that Flopsy does not 'delight to bark and bite, like dogs in general, because if he does Flush would as soon be acquainted with a cat, he says, for he does not pretend to be a hero. Poor Flush! 'the bright summer days on which I am ever likely to take him out for a ramble over hill and meadow' are never likely to shine!

"See that flopsy steeple thing! It looks like building-blocks stacked up there." "Maybe this is the sanctuary that priest was talking about," I suggested. "He said the walls were old as hate and strong as love, with a crooked street beside it somewhere." "Oh, you sponge! Soaking up everything you see and hear.

What do you mean about poor Tennyson? I heard of him last on his return from a visit to the Swiss mountains, which 'disappointed him, he was said to say. Very wrong, either of mountains or poet! Tell me if you make acquaintance with Mrs. Hewitt's new ballads. Mrs. Jameson is engaged in a work on art which will be very interesting.... Flush's love to your Flopsy.

Good Mrs Timmin's History of the Robins, too, is a continuous delight; and from its pompous and high-sounding dialogue a skilful adapter may glean not only one story, but one story with two versions; for the infant of eighteen months can follow the narrative of the joys and troubles, errors and kindnesses of Robin, Dicky, Flopsy and Pecksy; while the child of five or ten or even more will be keenly interested in a fuller account of the birds' adventures and the development of their several characters and those of their human friends and enemies.

It was the second little jacket and pair of shoes that Peter had lost in a fortnight! I am sorry to say that Peter was not very well during the evening. His mother put him to bed, and made some camomile tea; and she gave a dose of it to Peter! "One tablespoonful to be taken at bed-time." But Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail had bread and milk and blackberries, for supper. Anonymous

"The Bow Wows are going down to Asbury Park for the summer, and I don't much care for the seashore, so I'll stay home and spend a few days with you. And in case that fox does come back " Well, Percival didn't say what he would do, but land sakes, flopsy dub! Oh me, and a potato pancake! You should have seen him show his teeth and growl.

Oh my, yes, and a banana peeling in addition! and then, all of a sudden, land sakes flopsy dub! if Buddy didn't slip and fall and stumble, and roll over and over, sideways, and head over heels, and he kept on going down, until finally he came to a stop in a place that was as dark as a pocket in a fur overcoat on a winter day. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" cried poor Buddy Pigg.

"Those leaves keep the sun off me while I sleep. Now I'm going to eat you all up for taking my things!" and he jumped right at them. But land sakes, flopsy dub! Before he could bite either Brighteyes or Sister Sallie, who should appear, but Percival, the good, old circus dog.