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The young man looked at Artyom's tearful face, frowned, and walked up and down the hut, then angrily clapped his cap on his head and picked up his gun. "Ugh! . . . ugh! . . . it makes me sick to look at you," he filtered through his teeth. "I can't bear the sight of you. I won't sleep in your house, anyway. Good-bye! Hey, Flerka!"

Hey, Flerka, here," he called to his dog. "Flerka!" A dog with long frayed ears, a mongrel between a setter and a house-dog, came out from under the bench. He stretched himself by his master's feet and wagged his tail. "Why are you sitting there?" cried the hunter to the forester. "You mean to say you are not going?" "Where?" "To help!"

"You do keep on, upon my word," said the forester with annoyance. "Go yourself." "Ugh! . . . low cur," growled the hunter, turning towards the door. "Flerka, here!" He went out and left the door open. The wind flew into the hut. The flame of the candle flickered uneasily, flared up, and went out.

Somewhere in the darkness Flerka shook his wet coat vigorously, which sent drops of water flying about all over the room. "So you wouldn't care if the woman were murdered?" the hunter went on. "Well strike me, God I had no notion you were that sort of man. . . ." A silence followed. The thunderstorm was by now over and the thunder came from far away, but it was still raining.