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I hesitated; and as I was heartily sick of waiting, and famished, I made myself believe that our enemies were not pursuing us, and descended quickly to look at my companion. "What we do now, Mass' George kedge fis?" "If we can," I said; "but how?" "Pomp show Mass' George."

We all peered into the stream, but could see nothing except an occasional glance of a white scale or fin now and then. "Liverpool!" shouted the old German who was doing the honours "Liverpool, come bring de food for de fis." Liverpool, a respectable looking negro, approached, and stooping down at the water's edge, held a piece of roasted plantain close to the surface of it.

Je me souviens pourtant qu'en cette nuit cruelle Pour briser mon lien je fis un long effort. Je la nommai cent fois perfide et déloyale, Je comptai tous les maux qu'elle m'avait causés." She stopped suddenly, her eyes full of pain. "You don't think that, you can't think that of me?" she pleaded. "I'd rather think you a coquette than " Again he checked himself at the sight of her trouble.

"Wait till they see us," whispered Demi, and both sat still as the pair came nearer, Mrs. Jo so absorbed in her book that she would have walked into the brook if Teddy had not stopped her by saying, "Marmar, I wanter fis." Mrs. Jo put down the charming book which she had been trying to read for a week, and looked about her for a fishing-pole, being used to making toys out of nothing.

"Je fis fleurir le corail dans des vases pleins d'eau de mer, et j'observai que ce que nous croyons être la fleur de cette prétendue plante n'était au vrai, qu'un insecte semblable

"Cease, rude Boreas, blustering railer, List ye landsmen all to me." and "One night it blew a hurricane, The sea was mountains rolling, When Barney Buntline turned his quid, And cried to Billy Bowlin " right through without a mistake. "Oh, look dere, dere! what dat rum fis?" he suddenly exclaimed, pointing to a short distance from the raft.

I jes' ris dat ar con' wid my own han' right down de road at my f'ont do', an' po'd de water on hit outer de pump at my back un. I'se monst'ous glad ter praise de Lawd fur what He done done, but I ain' gwine ter gin 'im credit fur de wuk er my own fis' en foot." "Are you going by Jordan's Journey, uncle? I'd like to send Reuben Merryweather's buckwheat to him."

"Look, look!" cried Pomp, excitedly; "dah um fis. No got hookum line, no got net." He shook his head despondently, evidently quite oblivious of the fact that even with hook and line he had no bait, and that it was impossible to use a net.

[Footnote 6: See Victor Hugo, Le Rhin, i. The Walloon dialect varies greatly between the towns. Here are a few words of the "Prodigal Son" as they are written in Liege, Huy, and Lille: LIEGE. Jésus lizi d'ha co: In homme aveut deux fis. Li pus jone dérit

We shall want to make this last till night." "Mass' George no want to finish um all up?" "No." "So not hav' to carry walletum." "Of course not. We shall soon be hungry again." "Catch fis; shoot de duck; Pomp fine plenty 'tick; and make a fire." "I wish you'd find the boat," I said, packing up the remains of the meal the while. "Think it's any use to go any farther?"