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"The factory inspector's to blame, too and the men and the people up-stairs and the law because it didn't demand better protection and fire-drills all are to blame. You take too much on yourself...." And gradually, striving with him through the early morning hours, she calmed him, she soothed him, and got him to bed. He was at last too weary to think or feel and he slept deep into the day.

One girl holds the spindle and steadies the fireboard while the other does the twirling. =The Plough= It is more difficult to produce fire by the plough method than with the bow, but it can be done. The appliances are simple enough. Other woods than spruce are used with success for fire-drills and fireboards, but all must be dry.

For the first Kokuzo of Izumo, on becoming pontiff, received the fire-drill for the great temple from the hands of the deity who was the younger brother of the Sun-Goddess, and is now enshrined at Kumano. And from his time the fire-drills for the Oho-yashiro of Kitzuki have been made only at Kumano.

It was like the fire-drills in our public schools. It seemed a most sensible precaution, and one that in times of peace, as well as of war, might with advantage be enforced on all passenger-ships. In his proclamation Commandant Mace of the Chicago borrowed an idea from the New York Fire Department.

"Have ye torches?" asked the priest of the Asiatics. Torches, or long cords soaked in an inflammable substance they had; but there was no fire, for their wooden fire-drills were rain soaked. "We must wait till morning," said Ramses, impatiently. Pentuer made no answer. He took a small instrument from his bag, took a torch from one of the soldiers, and went to one side.