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Hailing the Havana, he ordered the prize-master to send a boat on board. When it came the two passengers were embarked in it and the order sent. The commander did not wait a moment to watch the receding form of the maiden, but immediately directed his attention to the steamer approaching the Vixen. "Run for that steamer, Mr. Fillbrook," said he, after his first glance.

"Keep up the fire with the long gun, Mr. Fillbrook," said the commander, in a low tone, and with no excitement apparent in his manner, for he always studied and labored to appear cool and self-possessed, whether he was so or not, and there was nothing in the present situation to try him in the least.

If that is the case, she must be loaded with cotton, which contains a fortune at the present time within a small compass," replied Mr. Fillbrook, who had not been as fortunate as some others in the matter of prizes. "Very likely," replied Christy, rather coldly, his companion thought. "I do not think I should be justified in giving chase to her, which could only be done by abandoning the convoy."

For a full hour the long gun of the Vixen continued to pelt the enemy with solid shot, about every one of them hulling her or carrying away some of her spars. Her mainmast had gone by the board, and the resistance she was making was becoming very feeble. "She is full of men, Captain Passford," said Mr. Fillbrook, when the steamer seemed to be almost a wreck.

"Make the course east by north, Mr. Bangs," added the first lieutenant. "East by north," repeated the quartermaster at the wheel when the order reached him. "I have just been aloft, and she flies the Confederate flag, Captain Passford," said Mr. Fillbrook. "She is a large steamer, and she is by no means as jaunty as the Vixen."

"Of course I was not aware of your views in regard to the manner in which I ought to have managed the affair on my own part, and therefore I could not handle my ship just as you desired," replied Christy. "As it is, I am afraid you will have to start your navy over again." Mr. Fillbrook had by this time driven the "fighting dogs" forward, and taken full possession of the prize.

Fillbrook procured a glass from the pilot house, and both of them looked long and earnestly at the speck in the distance. The steamer was hull down, and they soon agreed that she was bound to the eastward. "We have no business with her at present," said Christy, as he shut up his glass. "But I have no doubt she has already run the blockade, and came out of Wilmington or Savannah.

"Half speed, if you please, Mr. Fillbrook." The commander went to the long English gun in the waist, to which he had already given a great deal of study, and sighted along the heavy piece.

"I could not very well forget them in so short a time," replied Corny, upon whom the gaze of the commander had again rested as he looked about him. "Very well; perhaps you had better answer the question;" and the captain pointed at Corny. "Who was your first lieutenant?" "Ensign Gordon Fillbrook," replied Corny promptly.

"We do; there is not much left of the steamer, and I am not justified in throwing away the lives of my men," replied a very spruce-looking officer. "You will board her, Mr. Fillbrook, with the first division, and take possession of her," said Christy, when he had received the captain's answer. "Ascertain her condition as soon as possible."