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Whenever he had half a day given him in the week free from duty he would make a point of coming up to take "Master Teddy and the young ladies" out into the woods, fern-hunting and flower-gathering, the vicar frequently popping upon the little picnickers unawares, whilst they were watching the rabbits and rabbitikins combing out their whiskers under the fir-trees, and Jupp and Mary getting an al fresco tea ready for the party.

Between working, reading aloud, talking, riding, and "loafing," I have very little time for letter writing; but I must tell you of a delightful fern-hunting expedition on the margin of the forest that I took yesterday, accompanied by Mr. Thompson and the two elder boys.

There were wide grassy waste lands on each side of the road almost all the way to the wood, on which the equestrian party could disport themselves, without much inconvenience from the dust of the two carriages. Once arrived at the wood, there were botanising, fern-hunting, sketching, and flirtation without limit.

"It was a very noticeable bracelet, the gold setting being a mere feather-weight piece of native filigree work almost too fragile to trust on the wrist and the pearl being, as I have said, of a size and quality not often seen. Heath took it into their heads to go walking fern-hunting, and so on. My sister was rather long dressing, and, while they waited, my daughter went into Mrs.

"Don't you feel as if you were a little girl again, Vixen, going for a ramble with me fern-hunting or primrose-gathering?" "No," answered Vixen firmly. "Nothing can ever bring the past back for me. I shall never forget that I had a father the best and dearest and that I have lost him." "Dear Violet," Roderick began, very gently, "life cannot be made up of mourning for the dead.