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She could not see the tenacious Forsyte spirit working in that thin, tremulous shape against the extravagance of the emotion called up by this outrage on Forsyte principles the Forsyte spirit deep in there, saying: 'You mustn't get into a fantod, it'll never do. You won't digest your lunch. You'll have a fit! All unseen by her, it was doing better work in James than sal volatile.

She could not see the tenacious Forsyte spirit working in that thin, tremulous shape against the extravagance of the emotion called up by this outrage on Forsyte principles the Forsyte spirit deep in there, saying: 'You mustn't get into a fantod, it'll never do. You won't digest your lunch. You'll have a fit! All unseen by her, it was doing better work in James than sal volatile.

"It's the chief of the hairy tribe," said Phonograph Davis. "But it's stone dead, now, boys." "Don't you believe it," demurred Dry-Creek. "It's only 'possumin'. It's the dreaded Highgollacum fantod from the forest. There's only one way to destroy its life." He led forward Old Taller, the 240-pound cow-puncher.

"That's th' way he went," he said. "Cripes, I'd a' thought I seen a fantod on'y I bin teetotal fer a year." The shearers whipped up, and rode on at a gallop, and the man grinned after them with exquisite joy. "Well, life's worth living after all." said Nickie the Kid.