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She's jes' as interested as can be in her flowers, and in folks, an' the church, but she don't want to try to do so many things, and she has them weak, fainty spells oftener, an' more pain in her heart. She sits fer long hours with jest her Bible open now, but land, she don't need to read it! She knows it most by heart that is the livin' parts, you know.

Joan had quite forgotten her commission and left the basket on Gorse Point. "I'll gaw back bimebye," she said. "I bin walkin' 'long the cliffs in the sun an' forgot the time. Gimme somethin' t'ate, mother; I be hungry an' fainty like wi' gwaine tu far. I could hardly fetch home." "You'm a queer twoad," said Thomasin, "an' I doan't knaw what's come over 'e of late days.

The man took a piece of rag from a satchel containing sewing materials, tore off a strip, which, like everything else, was tinged red, and proceeded to bind up the wound. "My eyes have got foggy-like please may I sit down, master?" said the boy. "To be sure, poor chap. 'Tis enough to make you feel fainty. Sit on that bundle."

'Twas clear the Hound had done her no hurt and she felt only puzzled to know why for she was so wet and why, when she went fainty beside the Pool, she'd come to again a hundred yards away from it. But that great mystery she put by for another time and thanked God for saving her and cleared the woods and sped to doctor with her bad news.

But you bide till he'm back. I be sorry as I spawk so sharp, but you was that bowldacious that my dander brawk loose. Aw Jimmery! to think as you dedn' knaw you was cheeldin'!" "'Twas hearin' so suddint like as made me come over fainty." "Ate hearty then. An' mind henceforrard you'm feedin' an' drinkin' for two. Best get to bed so soon's you can. Us'll talk 'bout this coil in the marnin'."

Now, mind, the fight was still a-goin' on and right at the hot of the fight, and the feller, all excited, you know, like he was, and the soldier that had his leg shot off gittin' kindo' fainty like, and his head kindo' stuck back over the feller's shoulder that was carryin' him.

Old Ding-dong kept one eye on his topsails, and one on his foe, sliding towards him across the water. "Like the Shadow o Death a'most, ain't she?" said the old man in hushed voice "so still-like and stealy." He dropped a kind eye on the boy's face. "Makes ye think first time, don't it? I mind Quiberon. Guts feel fainty like." He renewed his watch. The twinkle had left his eyes.

"Upon my soul and body, this here stooping do fairly make my back open and shut!" he exclaimed, straightening himself slowly with an excruciated look till quite upright. "And you, maidy Tess, you wasn't well a day or two ago this will make your head ache finely! Don't do any more, if you feel fainty; leave the rest to finish it." Dairyman Crick withdrew, and Tess dropped behind.

"I fell," he explained. "I fell through a rotten ceiling, and I've cut my leg. When I was young the sight of blood made me go fainty, but I laugh at it now." He pulled up his trousers and showed a badly barked shin. "We'll go to a chemist and get him to wash it, and I'll get a needle and thread and sew it up," said Estelle.

No gem ever flashed from a rosy ray to a white one more rapidly than changed the young wife's counten- ance whilst this word came from her in a long-drawn breath. "Did she walk along our turnpike-road?" she said, in a suddenly restless and eager voice. "I believe she did.... Ma'am, shall I call Liddy? You bain't well, ma'am, surely? You look like a lily so pale and fainty!"