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'An' in th' inthrests iv th' freedom iv Ireland, I says, 'I f'rgive ye th' pool table. "Well, sir, Jawn, he wept like a child. 'Tooley, he says, 'we'll march side be side, he says. 'Both iv us in th' front rank, he says. 'Aldherman Tooley an' Aldherman Schwartzmeister, to free Ireland, he says. 'But where does Germany come in? he says. 'Germany! says I, 'Germany!

Bein' a busy an' fashn'able woman she cudden't raymimber his name. At times she called him 'Frank' an' thin 'Fronzwah' an' 'Fritz' an' 'Ferdynand' 'twas a name beginnin' with 'f' she knew that but he f'rgive her an' ast somewan to r-read to him. 'What shall it be? says a gin'ral. 'R-read about th' time I was christened, says th' boy.

"Th' Lord f'rgive me f'r singin' it, Jawn. See if there's anny wan near th' dure. "Well, whin they got through, Dempsey puts his hands to his mouth, an' yells, 'Th' 'ell with King Willum. That was more thin th' Orangeys cud stand. They halted as wan man, an' roared out, 'Th' 'ell with th' pope. 'What's that? says th' captain iv th' polis foorce.

'This here arrangement between Germany an' Ireland has got to be brought down to th' Sixth Wa-ard, I says. 'Do ye f'rgive th' way we done ye in th' beer rites? I says. 'I do, says he. 'They was befure me time. 'Well, says I, 'are ye sure ye can get over th' whalin' ye got whin th' Sarsfield Fife an' Dhrum Corpse met th' Frederick Willum Picnic Band? I says. 'I do, says he.

"Th' Lord f'rgive f'r sayin' it, Hinnissy, but if I was a Chinyman, which I will fight anny man f'r sayin, an' was livin' at home, I'd tuck me shirt into me pants, put me braid up in a net, an' go out an' take a fall out iv th' in-vader if it cost me me life. Here am I, Hop Lung Dooley, r-runnin' me little liquor store an' p'rhaps raisin' a family in th' town iv Koochoo.