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He was splendid in the Games Week; for he could do the great jumps and "put" the stones as well as the best of the Skye men who came over to compete with the men of Dhrum. And here at Dunelin, where we danced reels till morning, on the night of the ball we gave, he danced everybody else down except me.

Now I know that the purple island of Dhrum is her fastness, and that because she loved us she brought us safely here, together. I wonder sometimes if Basil will ever write his romance of our journeyings and adventures under the heather moon months or years from now, when he has forgotten to be sad, and is only pleasantly romantic, as when I knew him first?

It struck him as distinctly funny that he had ever taken old Duncan's waspishness seriously enough to make vows of any sort because of it. And he saw that indirectly he owed fortune to the haughty lord of Dhrum. It was a queer world, and nobody in it was queerer than one's self.

'This here arrangement between Germany an' Ireland has got to be brought down to th' Sixth Wa-ard, I says. 'Do ye f'rgive th' way we done ye in th' beer rites? I says. 'I do, says he. 'They was befure me time. 'Well, says I, 'are ye sure ye can get over th' whalin' ye got whin th' Sarsfield Fife an' Dhrum Corpse met th' Frederick Willum Picnic Band? I says. 'I do, says he.

And it is so romantic that it should be Ian Somerled MacDonald, whom Duncan used to despise. But perhaps you've never heard that story? Now, both the father and daughter are sweet to 'their dear cousin, and very kind to me to please him, of course. Next to being with you, I'd rather go to Dhrum than do anything else in the world.

This wild, mountain walled lake is called the "Heart of Dhrum," and Ian says it is no more wild or savage or dark with clouds than his heart used to be every day when he was giving other men their chance with me.

"That's just what I was thinking about my library," Sir S. answered, as if I had spoken to him. "Haven't you got one yet?" I asked. "Only an embryo library in a flat in New York a rather nice flat. But a flat isn't home. And you know you ought to know the house of my heart is on a faraway island." "The island of Dhrum?" "Yes.

I do hope you have dogs' heads and antlers, and tartan curtains and carpets and things at your castle at Dhrum? It is yours, you know! I wonder if I shall ever see it? I can't tell you how excited I was when the Chieftain and several other Highland men he had staying in his house-party wore the kilt to dinner. Poor Basil and Mr. Vanneck in their ordinary evening things looked like nothing at all.

Sor, I am bould to say that yersilf, honored as ye are fer hevin' the biggest hid on the shmallest body in the world, had yer hid been as big as a base dhrum an' yer body as shmall as a marble, ye would be regarded as av no impartance in comparison wid this ould witch av a Gran'mother Cruncher." The impression produced by Mr. O'Fake's remarks was evidently deep and painful.

Th' man with th' dhrum walloped him over th' head with th' dhrum-stick, an' Dorsey Quinn wint over an' tuk a slide trombone away fr'm the musician an' clubbed th' bass dhrum man with it. Thin we all wint over, an' ye niver see th' like in ye'er born days.