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Under parts plain white in the middle, but boldly spotted with black all over the breast and along the sides. Eye-ring whitish. A Summer Citizen of the eastern United States, and a Ground Gleaner, Tree Trapper, and Seed Sower. Commonly called VEERY from the sound of one of its notes

But finally I fixed its place in the avian schedule with the help of my field glass white under parts, slightly tinged with yellow, back and rump olive green, top and sides of head delicate bluish-ash; no eye-ring, no wing-bars. There is no other warbler marked quite like that.

You will note that its eye-ring is yellow, and that its under parts are neither bright yellow, like the Nashville's, nor white, like the Tennessee's, but greenish yellow obscurely streaked on the chest. I have never heard the song of the orange-crown.

The last, noticeable for his conspicuous light-colored eye-ring, had somehow become separated from his fellows, and remained for several days about this spot entirely alone. I liked to watch his aquatic performances; they might almost have been those of the American dipper himself, I thought.

Under parts cream-yellowish, whiter on the belly, the throat and breast spotted with black. A yellowish eye-ring, like the creamy color of the breast. A Summer Citizen of the mountains of the northern United States. A Tree Trapper and Ground Gleaner.