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The strange thing was that beneath their scarlet pride the Zouaves' faces remained those of American business-men, pink, smooth, eye-glassed; and as they stood playing in a circle, at the corner of Main Street and Second, as they tootled on fifes or with swelling cheeks blew into cornets, their eyes remained as owlish as though they were sitting at desks under the sign "This Is My Busy Day."

Then came Hodges, the immaculately dressed epicure a pale, clean-shaven, eye-glassed, sterilized kind of a man with a long neck and skinny fingers, who boasted of having twenty-one different clarets stored away under his sidewalk which were served to ordinary guests, and five special vintages which he kept under lock and key, and which were only uncorked for the elect, and who invariably munched an olive before sampling the next wine.

Perhaps Margaret would be crushed by the news; perhaps and he could not help the thought, grotesque though it was she would marry that smooth, eye-glassed young man. There was a strange ringing in his ears; he was conscious of his whole being soaring far away, a floating, palpitating spirit amid great spaces of mystery and dream.

He lived in the house next door, which he owned, renting it to an Okoochee family and retaining the upstairs front bedroom for himself. A tall, thin, eye-glassed young man who worked in the offices of the Okoochee Oil and Refining Company, believed in Okoochee, and wanted to marry Maxine. He had twice kissed her.

A telegraph boy was one; by his side walked, vehemently explaining, a tall, elderly solicitor white-whiskered, drab-spatted, frock-coated, eye-glassed, silk-hatted in every detail the trusted family lawyer. I knew the man by sight, and I knew him by name and repute.

He tried to make himself heavy and calm in his chair, and to keep his eyes expressionless. Graff stalked in a man of thirty-five, dapper, eye-glassed, with a foppish mustache. "Want me?" said Graff. "Yes. Sit down." Graff continued to stand, grunting, "I suppose that old nut Varney has been in to see you. Let me explain about him.

Meanwhile, what was there he might save from the situation as it stood? Senator Hanway exerted his diplomacy, and as fruit thereof was visited by an eye-glassed gentleman a foremost national figure, and the chief of Governor Obstinate's management.

Governor Obstinate thanked Senator Hanway through the eye-glassed Mazarin, who seized upon the occasion to say that Governor Obstinate was more than ever resolved in event of his election which was among things sure to avail himself of Senator Hanway's known abilities touching public finance in the rôle of Secretary of the Treasury. Senator Hanway and Mr.

That is the picture I retain of these days the unending golden sun, the wide, gentle-colored plain, the splendid mountains, the Indians ambling through the flat, clear distance; and here, close along the parade-ground, eye-glassed Augustus, neatly hastening, with the Captain on his porch, asleep you might suppose.

They were packed as tightly with experiences as their boxes with contraband clothing, and they had both, perhaps, rather heavily on their minds, wondering, it was probable, how they were to get them through. Some of them, strenuous, eye-glassed and scholastic, looked, however, as they marshalled their pathetically lean luggage, quite innocent of material trophies.