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"Give you thirty-five cents for him," said the impressed Wilbur. "For that there dog?" exploded the owner "thirty-five cents?" He let it be seen that this jesting was in poor taste. "I guess he wouldn't be much of a watchdog." "Watchdog! Say, that mutt watches all the time, day and night! You let a burglar come sneaking in, or a tramp or someone wow! Grabs 'em by the throat, that's all!"

We passed a bunch of tourists having lunch out of paper sacks, and one of the men had a wonderful idea. He said something to the others, and while they giggled he blew one of the bags full of air and exploded it right under my horse. Of course Tar Baby bolted, and even as he ran away I admired his ability to keep ahead of Ranger West, who was running full tilt after us.

"Tom might tackle the coffee-making this morning. Dan and Harry can get potatoes ready." "But where's the turkey, then?" queried Hen, watching Dick as he opened the box. "Right here," proclaimed young Prescott, removing the lid. "Why, that's that's codfish, salted and dried!" exploded Hen. "Well, isn't codfish Cape Cod turkey?" demanded Reade, with a grin.

Colonel Clay or no Colonel Clay, he's been salting my rocks with gold-bearing quartz, and trying to lead me on into an absurd speculation!" Sir Adolphus exploded. "Oh, this is too good," he cried. "I must go and tell Marmy!" And he rushed off to where Forbes-Gaskell was seated on a corner of rock with Amelia. As for Charles and myself, we returned to the house.

It appears to be a dream of the imagination, a splendid fiction, which has been recommended to the human mind by its horror of the cheerless gloom of scepticism. Section V. The sophism of the atheist exploded, and a perfect agreement shown to subsist between the existence of sin and the holiness of God.

An officer from the New York had been at work all day locating and removing the submarine mines in the narrow part of the channel just north of Morro Castle; but there were still four that had not been exploded.

Monday had been the sixth day of the siege and the Belgian army was fighting with reckless courage to save Antwerp. As a precaution, the boilers of all the German ships lying in the harbor were exploded on Sunday, in order to prevent, if possible, use of these ships as transports for German troops across the North Sea or elsewhere.

There was a silence, but at length the colonel exploded: "I suppose Westerling knows what he is doing!" "Still, we must go on! We must win!" "Yes, the offensive always wins in the end. We must go on!" "And once we have the range yes, once we've won one vital position the men will recover their enthusiasm and be crying: 'On to the capital!" "Right! We were forgetting history.

He stared up at me incredulously. "Is this the same outfit?" he whispered. "It is," said I, "I know the blaze-face brute." "But but " "They played 'possum on you, Captain." The Captain arose and his wrath exploded. "You miserable hounds!" he roared. With a wise premonition they decamped.

Sepp uttered a sudden exclamation and forgot everything but what he saw. He threw his rifle forward, there was a sharp click! the cartridge had not exploded. Next moment he remembered himself and turned ashamed and deprecating to Gethryn. The latter laid his hand on the Jaeger's arm and pointed.