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Impurities not infrequently find their way into the blood through the digestive organs. One should eat wholesome, well-cooked food, drink freely of pure water, and limit the quantity of food to what can be properly digested. The natural purifiers of the blood are the organs of excretion. The skin is one of these and its power to throw off impurities depends upon its being clean and active.

Do they not know that such a contention is in direct opposition to physiological law? Does bathing the external surface of the body prevent the further excretion of perspiration; or bathing the eyes destroy the functions of the Meibomian glands? Does the drinking of water prevent any further discharge of saliva into the mouth, or of gastric juice into the stomach?

Indeed, the use of M'Clinton's soap and water, along with good acetic acid sponging once a week, will prevent many serious ills by securing a constant gentle excretion of hurtful waste through the stimulated skin. Piles.

Therewith the immense emphasis placed on excretion, and the inevitable reaction that emphasis aroused, both alike disappear. The sexual protagonists are no longer at the surface but within the most secret recesses of the organism, and they appear to science under the name of Hormones or Internal Secretions, always at work within and never themselves condescending to appear at all.

How do the waste materials get from the cells to the organs of excretion? Show by a drawing the connections of the kidneys with the large blood vessels and the bladder. Name parts of drawing. In what do the uriniferous tubes have their beginning? In what do they terminate? With what are they lined? Why should the blood pass through two sets of capillaries in the kidneys?

One of the strongest instances of an animal apparently performing an action for the sole good of another, with which I am acquainted, is that of aphides voluntarily yielding, as was first observed by Huber, their sweet excretion to ants: that they do so voluntarily, the following facts show.

*Excretory Work of the Lungs.*—While the lungs cannot be regarded as glands, they do a work in the removal of waste from the body which must be considered in the general process of excretion. They are especially adapted to the removal of gaseous substances from the blood, and it is through them that most of the carbon dioxide leaves the body. The lungs remove also a considerable quantity of water.

*Value of Water.*—As a rule the work of excretion is aided by drinking freely of pure water. As water is the natural dissolver and transporter of materials in the body, it is generally conceded by hygienists and physicians that the taking of plenty of water is a healthful practice.

These are theSons of Twilight, or Life.” They enter into reciprocal action with the forces of taste surging up and down within Saturn. By this means their etheric or vital body attains a state of such activity that it may be called a kind of metabolism. They bring life into the interior of Saturn. Hence processes of nutrition and excretion take place.

It seems to me that my breast is empty, yet still there is an echo in my heart. What I am looking for is life. The distant sky is resonant, and each dull shot comes and pushes my shoulder. Nearer, some shells are thundering heavily. Though I cannot see them, I see the tawny reflection that their flame spreads abroad, and the sudden darkness as well that is hurled by their clouds of excretion.