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But one consolation is that I generally have plenty of material to cut generously, and many of my failures have proved to be real blessings. I do hope this New Year may bring to you the desire of your heart and all that those who love you best most wish for you. With lots and lots of love from baby and myself. Your ex-washlady, ELINORE RUPERT.

Joy waves are radiating from this ranch and about Thanksgiving morning one will strike you. With lots of love and happy wishes, Your ex-Washlady, ELINORE RUPERT. ... I think every one enjoyed our Thanksgiving programme except poor Gale. She was grieved, I verily believe, because Mr. Patterson is not Mormon and could not take Sedalia and herself also.

Your ex-Washlady, ELINORE RUPERT STEWART. November 16, 1912. At last I can write you as I want to. I am afraid you think I am going to wait until the "bairns" are grown up before writing to my friends, but indeed I shall not. I fully intend to "gather roses while I may." Since God has given me two blessings, children and friends, I shall enjoy them both as I go along.

I got home at twelve and found, to my joy, that none of the men had returned, so I am safe from their superiority for a while, at least. With many apologies for this outrageous letter, I am Your ex-Washlady, ELINORE RUPERT. November 22, 1909. I was dreadfully afraid that my last letter was too much for you and now I feel plumb guilty.