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He insisted that the strength of the insurrection did not lie in the dissatisfied employees of the Red Butte Western, or even in the ex-employees; it was rather in the lawless element of the town which lived and fattened upon the earnings of the railroad men the saloon-keepers, the gamblers, the "tin-horns" of every stripe.

'Forgive me, sir, but you have no no younger man who can arrange this business with me? 'I speak for the syndicate. I see no reason for a third party to 'You will in a minute. Be good enough to give back my sketches. The man stared blankly at Dick, and then at Torpenhow, who was leaning against the wall. He was not used to ex-employees who ordered him to be good enough to do things.

The traffic manager of the railway is an ex-employee of Mitsui. The customs force at Dalny is not only entirely Japanese no other foreigner in charge of a Chinese customs office employs exclusively assistants of his own nationality but a number of the customs inspectors are ex-employees of Mitsui. The Mitsui company also maintains branches all through Manchuria in and out of treaty ports.

After the mysterious disappearance of the switching-engine, mystery still unsolved and apparently unsolvable, he struck fast and hard, searching painstakingly for the leaders in the rebellion, reprimanding, suspending, and discharging until McCloskey warned him that, in addition to the evil of short-handing the road, he was filling Angels with a growing army of ex-employees, desperate and ripe for anything.