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Engravers, short-sighted. Entomostraca. Entozoa, difference of colour between the males and females of some. Environment, direct action of the, in causing differences between the sexes. Envy, persistence of. Eocene period, possible divergence of men during the. Eolidae, colours of, produced by the biliary glands. Epeira nigra, small size of the male of. Ephemerae. Ephemeridae.

The water-weeds, both when living and decaying, are eaten by the entomostraca, the entomostraca are eaten by the larvae of insects, the perfect insects are eaten by the fish, and the fish are eaten by men, otters, and birds. Thus we eat the products of the water plants at four removes in a fish; while we eat that of the grass or turnips only in a secondary form in beef or mutton.

This chalk consists of the minute shells of Foraminifera, sprinkled with remains of small Entomostraca, and probably a few Pteropod-shells; though the sounding lines have not yet brought up any of these last. Thus, in so far as all high forms of life are concerned, this new chalk-formation must be a blank.

He assumes that the primary stock of the whole group was a crustacean, having that Nauplius form in which Fritz Müller has shown that so many Crustacea commence their lives. All the Entomostraca arose by the modification of some one or other of these Naupliform "Archicarida." Other Archicarida underwent a further metamorphosis into a Zoaea-form.

But this is perhaps because the minute, almost invisible creatures, or entomostraca, of which the rivers and ponds are full, and which are the main food of the smaller water carnivora, live mainly on decaying vegetable substance, which is practically converted and condensed into microscopical animals before these become in turn the food of others.

There were a large number of these Entomostraca in the Carboniferous period, a group which is chiefly represented among living Crustacea by an exceedingly minute kind of Shrimp; but in those days they were of the size of our Crabs and Lobsters, or even larger, and the Horse-Shoe Crab still maintains their claim to a place among the larger and more conspicuous members of the class.

Between latitudes 56 and 57 degrees south of Cape Horn, the net was put astern several times; it never, however, brought up anything besides a few of two extremely minute species of Entomostraca. Yet whales and seals, petrels and albatross, are exceedingly abundant throughout this part of the ocean.

Cosmarium binoculatum. 34. Cyclops quad. 35. Cyphroderia amp. 36. Cypris tristriata. 37. Daphnia pulex. 38. Diaptomas castor. 39. " sull. 40. Diatoma vulgaris. 41. Difflugia cratera. 42. " globosa. 43. Dinobryina sertularia. 44. Dinocharis pocillum. 45. Dirt. 46. Eggs of polyp. 47. " entomostraca. 48. " plumatella. 49. " bryozoa. 50. Enchylis pupa. 51. Eosphora aurita. 52. Epithelia, animal. 53.

Between latitudes 56 and 57 degs. south of Cape Horn, the net was put astern several times; it never, however, brought up anything besides a few of two extremely minute species of Entomostraca. Yet whales and seals, petrels and albatross, are exceedingly abundant throughout this part of the ocean.

Brady has proved, the Entomostraca of the rivers, were the same in what is now Holland as in what is now our Eastern counties. I could dwell long on this matter.