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Very naturally the energy requirements of any individual are influenced by his weight and by the work he does. But we may take as a standard the results of an extensive study of American families which indicate that women require four-fifths as much energy-yielding food as men.

Since materials are absorbed more rapidly than they are used, means are provided for storing them and for supplying them to the cells as their needs require. Capability of storage is an essential quality of energy-yielding foods; and substances, such as alcohol, which lack this quality are not adapted to the needs of the body.

*General Facts Relating to Storage.*—The form into which the food is converted for storage in the body is that of solidsthe form that takes up the least amount of space. These solids are of such a nature that they can be changed back into their former condition and, by dissolving, reënter the blood. Only energy-yielding foods are stored.

Carrie turned her face to the west with a subdued heart. As she turned the corner, she saw through the great shiny window the small desk at which she had applied. There were the crowds, hurrying with the same buzz and energy-yielding enthusiasm. She felt a slight relief, but it was only at her escape. She felt ashamed in the face of better dressed girls who went by.