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The marital unhappiness, estrangement, and fragmentary incompleteness in the circle she knew, over which she had grieved and puzzled, had nothing to do with what novels mean by "unfaithfulness." The women of Endbury, unlike the heroines of fiction, did not fear that their husbands would fall in love with other women.

I'll see what I can do for you after I've seen what you are going to do for me." She added, with a solemnity only half jocular, "But it's ever so much more important in my case, for you're the first person I meet as I begin my life in Endbury. Think what a responsibility for you!

What was this Endbury life she had come back to? What in the world had that man been talking about? What a strange person he was! How very bright his eyes were when he looked at you as though he were, somehow, seeing you more than most people did. What did the doctor mean by all that about Marietta?

Physically, you're upset by Endbury heat after an ocean voyage, and mentally it's the reaction caused by your subsidence into private life after being the central figure of the returned traveler.

Won't anything, even the best, in Endbury be a come-down for her? The attainments of Mrs.

"Still trotting industriously about Endbury back yards sowing the dragon's teeth of her idiotic ideas and standards." "Oh, I remember, you don't like her," said Lydia. "She always seems just funny to me funny and pathetic. She's so dowdy, and reverential to folks with money, and enjoys other people's good times so terrifically."

The men of Endbury spent as little time in sentimentalizing over other men's wives as they did over their own.

This close corporation, composed of ladies in the very inner circle, felt keenly the stimulating consciousness of its importance in the higher life of the town, and had too much civic pride to allow Endbury to lag behind the other towns in Ohio.

"About your mother I know without going upstairs that she is floored with one or another manifestation of the great disease of social-ambitionitis. But calm yourself. It's not so bad as it seems when you've got the right doctor. I've practiced for thirty years among Endbury ladies. They can't spring anything new on me.

And wasn't it funny I was just thinking wondering if I should ever have a chance to try to make you see that I didn't mean to be so " she hesitated, and fell back on iteration again "so horrid." The fashionable Endbury boarding-school had not provided its graduate with any embarrassment of riches in the way of expression for various shades of meaning.