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I wish you'd let me boss this meal." He looked rebellious for an instant, then gave a sigh of relief. "I'm really tickled to death." A little later the doctor and Smith, looking across, saw Van Emmon being initiated into the system which constructs scalloped potatoes. Next, he was discovering that there is more than one way to prepare dried beef.

Down crept the machine until it was "standing on its nose." The sun was shining almost straight down into the slope, and Van Emmon forgot his uneasiness about the craft in his interest in what he saw. The bottom of the pit was perhaps twenty feet in diameter, and roughly hemispherical.

"We have the air completely under our control. We give our vegetation artificial showers when we think it should have it, not when nature wills; and similarly we use electricity instead of sunlight that we may stimulate its growth." "In short" Van Emmon put it as the car slid slowly down the remaining distance "in short, you have abolished the weather." The Venusian nodded.

"Just what I was wondering about," from Van Emmon. "The humans seem to do all the work, and the bees the bossing!" The doctor expected this. "The Venusians had our view-point the view- point of people on the earth, when they said that the workers rule. We consider the bee as a great worker, don't we? 'As busy as a bee' you know. None of the so-called lower animals show greater industry."

Then, using the crowbar as a lever, the architect steadily turned up the screw, the mechanism multiplying his very ordinary strength a hundredfold. In a moment it could be seen that he was getting results; the door began to stir. Van Emmon struck one edge with the sledge-hammer, and it gave slightly. In another minute the whole door, weighing over a ton, had been pushed almost out of its opening.

The geologist, strong man that he was, and by profession an investigator of the unknown Van Emmon took the lead. He stalked straight ahead into a vast space which, without any preliminary hallway, filled the entire triangular block.

I don't care what sort of a creature he, she, or it may be, so long as the mind is in revolt against whatever injustice may exist." "Then I," stated Smith, "will stick to the idea of service. Nobody was surprised that the engineer should make such a choice; he was, first, last, and all the time, essentially a useful man." Van Emmon was not ready with his choice.

As Billie retired, Van Emmon noted with growing irritation that the continuously affable aspect of the Venusians had not altered in any way, unless it was to become even more genial and sure. The big man strode energetically to the microphone, and the other three noted a general movement of interest and admiration as the people inspected him. "Why," demanded he, "do we see no signs of contention?

Others calculate that she's like Mercury; always the same face toward the sun. If so, her day is also her year two hundred and twenty-five of our days." Van Emmon looked disappointed.

Why don't they reform their ways of living, instead of replacing a worn-out heart with a new one? They've perfected surgery, that's why! And why haven't they tried the screw-propeller? They've perfected the bird-wing principle!" "But that doesn't explain," objected Billie, "why they've been content with an autocratic system of government." Van Emmon considered this a dig at Powart.