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"Votre milady Sarah a en un succes prodigieux; toute notre belle jeunesse en a eu la tete tournee, sans la trouver fort jolie, toutes les principantes et les divinites du temple l'ont recherchee avec une grande emulation. Je ne l'ai point vue assez de suite pour avoir pu bien demeler ce qu'on doit pensez d'elle; je la trouve aimable, elle est douce, vive et polie.

Je ne fis que la traverser, et elle me parut assez belle; cependant elle n'est pas forte, non plus que Séyde, toutes deux ayant été détruites autrefois, ainsi qu'il paroît par leurs murailles, qui ne valent pas,

La Révolution. française ... on l'a vue rapprocher ou diviser les hommes en dépit des lois, des traditions, des caractères, de langue, rendant parfois ennemis des compatriotes, et frères des étrangers; ou plutôt elle a formé audessus de toutes les nationalités particulières, une patrie intellectuelle commune dont les hommes de toutes les nations ont pu devenir citoyens."

"This young lady dislikes me," thought Varvara Pavlovna, as she squeezed Liza's cold fingers, then, turning to Maria Dmitrievna, she said in a half whisper. "Mais elle est délicieuse!" Liza faintly reddened. In that exclamation she seemed to detect a tone of irony and insult. However, she determined not to trust to that impression, and she took her seat at her embroidery frame near the window.

Lowther, and there I did pull the others off and put them on, elle being peu shy, but do speak con mighty kindness to me that she would desire me pour su mari if it were to be done . . . . . Here staid a little at Sir W. Pen's, who was gone to bed, it being about eleven at night, and so I home to bed. 11th. Up, and to my office, where alone all the morning.

Along the parapet a half-dozen drunkards sprawled, asleep or dozing. At the legs of one a child was pulling, crying: "Viens mere t'battra, elle est soule aussi." The sailors out yonder, busy in the rigging, and the men on the decks of the smart brigs and steamships, whistled and shouted and sang, as indifferent to this picture of human misery and degradation as if they had no kinship with it.

Entre elle et l'univers qui s'offraient a la fois Il hesita, lachant le monde dans son choix. Even as that Roman grasp relaxed and let fall the world, so has Shakespeare's self let go for awhile his greater world of imagination, with all its all but infinite variety of life and thought and action, for love of that more infinite variety which custom could not stale.

Varvara Pavlovna took up a music-book and half-hiding behind it and bending towards Panshin, she observed in a whisper, as she nibbled a biscuit, with a serene smile on her lips and in her eyes, "Elle n'a pas invente la poudre, la bonne dame." Varvara flung him a friendly glance and got up.

I heard abundance of curious remarks on the subject of the war, the peace, and the changes; they will have it they were not conquered. "Oh no." "Paris ne fut jamais vaincue elle s'est soumise seulement!" I leave it to your English heads to define the difference between submission and conquest. Beef and mutton are 5d. per lb. here.

En France, l'experience de la Republique democratique et pacifique s'est faite dans les conditions les plus favorables, et a echoue. Elle n'est ni conservatrice ni reformatrice. Tout en restant bourgeoise, elle est pardessus tout prodigue.