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"Thus admonished, I return to the manuscript," said Patricia gravely. "Where is it? 'His birthday. Oh, yes. 'Don't you three girls want to go to the matinee with us and have lunch at some swell joint? Write me at once if you can go. We will be in on the eleven-fifteen at the Terminal and have to leave on the 4.30. Yours, et cetera and so on, and all that stuff.

My father was just the same. Eleven-fifteen at the Savoy, then. The manager, who had been listening with some restlessness to the conversation, now intervened. He was a man with a sense of fitness of things, and he objected to having his private room made the scene of what appeared to be a reunion of old college chums. He hinted as much. 'Ha! Prrumph! he observed, disapprovingly.

But there was a perfectly applied censorship which suppressed all diplomatic leaks. So one read with perfect confidence that Prince von Buelow had driven to the Consulta at eleven-fifteen yesterday, and having been closeted with Baron Sonnino, the Italian Foreign Minister, or with the Premier, Signor Salandra, or with both, for forty-seven minutes, had emerged upon the street smiling.

From Providence she telegraphed him that she would arrive at New York at eleven-fifteen, and he would meet her if he loved her. This done, she went to the lunch-counter, climbed on a tall stool, and bought herself a cheap dinner. She was paying for it out of her final moneys, and her brain once more told her stomach that it would have to be prudent.

"Quest," he said, "I'll have to ask you a question." "Why not?" Quest replied, looking quickly up. "Where were you at eleven-fifteen?" "On tower Number 10 of the New York Central, scrapping for my life," Quest answered grimly. "I've reason to remember it." Something in the Inspector's steady gaze seemed to inspire the criminologist suddenly with a new idea.

The firemen were drunk and the donkey-man was drunk. And at eleven-fifteen the gong sounded for slow-astern. I stood by the telegraph and worked the handle, and do what I would I kept shutting my eyes. My God! I thought, shall I ever sleep again? The old Third stood near me, his eyes all bloodshot, the crease in his cheek working, his dyed moustache all draggled, his breath Humph!

If he hadn't received it, he'd never have been out on the lawn with a dagger he'd made for the occasion at eleven or eleven-fifteen, which was the time Mildred said in her letter she'd see him there. She had added that, if he did not keep the appointment, she'd expose him his crime in Pursuit."

"How can I where can I " "We ran away," explained that lady promptly. "Not a soul knows where we are. We did not register at a hotel, for this is a secret expedition. We take the eleven-fifteen train back. Meanwhile, Don, am I not an acceptable chaperon? And won't my presence make it entirely proper for us to break a bit of bread with you in your bachelor home?

'These young fellows nowadays want someone standing over them with a knout all the time. Be more careful another time, young man. Eleven-fifteen, remember. Make a note of it, or you'll go forgetting that. The seat Audrey had bought for him at the Piccadilly Theatre proved to be in the centre of the sixth row of stalls practically a death-trap.

As it happened, an event happening almost simultaneously confused our minds. At eleven-fifteen Miss Carpenter's household was thrown into consternation by the scandalous behaviour of her black cat, Caesar, who chose suddenly to terminate a long and outwardly respectable career as Miss Carpenter's familiar by having kittens under the horse-hair sofa in the parlour.