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When "Levelezoe-Lap" means a postcard, and "ara egy napra" means price per day, you feel that it is all up. The nearest relatives of Hungarian are Turkish and Finnish, the Asiatic ancestors of the race having lived between Finns and Turks; and it bears traces of their migrations, and of the great Mongol invasion of Europe by Djingis Khan.

"We can handle them, ten to one. Give them a volley, my lads!" But this time Manasseh shook his head, whereupon the whole battalion grounded arms. "What do you mean?" exclaimed the major, astounded. Manasseh raised his hand to heaven. "Egy az Isten!" he cried, and all his comrades followed his example. "What do you say?" asked the bewildered officer.

The only reply was, "Egy az Isten!" The men were willing to discharge their pieces if necessary, but it would only be a waste of ammunition: they would fire into the air. Troops were now rapidly moving on the threatened position from two directions, one party to assault, the other to defend.

So instead of shouting he descended from the fence with lightning agility and ran across the field as fast as his legs would carry him, and pell-mell into the group. "Two detectives are coming down the alley," he panted. "Beat it over that way and then you'll sure not run into one of them because they've got got a lot of strat strat strat strat egy they have you'd better hurry up."

They feel neither heat, nor dust, and say but little as they walk. From behind them, muffled by louder sounds, come the sweet, sad strains of the Magyar love-song, "Csak egy kis lány van a világon." "There is but one girl in all the world, And she is my own white dove. Oh! How great must God's love be for me! That He thought of giving you to me."

Blanka gave him her hand, while a nameless dread showed itself in her face. "Never fear!" cried the young man. As he gave Blanka a radiant look he saw tears glistening in her eyes. "I shall not die. Egy az Isten!" "Egy az Isten!" repeated the elder brother. Then the young hussar put spurs to his horse and galloped to the head of his little company.

His end is wrapped in mystery, I whose greatest boast, next to being a Hungarian, is to be of his blood know nothing of his end. Myself. Allow me to ask who you are? Hungarian. Egy szegeny Magyar Nemes ember, a poor Hungarian nobleman, son of one yet poorer. I was born in Transylvania, not far to the west of good Coloscvar.

Bort, búzát, békességet, Fát, füvet, feleséget, Pipát, puskát, patrontást, Es egy butykos pálinkát! Ikétum, pikétum, holt! berdo! vivát!"