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When done, remove the cloth, pour two tablespoons of lemon juice over the cauliflower and set it on the ice to cool. When ready to serve, separate the flowerets, lay them on lettuce leaves, cover with French dressing and sprinkle one tablespoon of chopped parsley over the top. Use small eggplants. Place on end of toasting fork under broiler gas flame until the peel is black; remove the skin.

There seem to be a great number of mummy apples springing up through the clearing, of which I am glad for the sake of the prospective cow. Paul and I have planted out a lot of kidney potatoes, which is an experiment only, as they are not supposed to grow in Samoa. We have sowed tomato seeds, also artichokes and eggplants, in boxes. A few days ago Mr.

"Well, I was helping Miller look after your motor one day, and I strolled around the house, back to the front veranda that way. And," Jack's voice sank to an impressive whisper, "there in the midst of the cabbages and eggplants, there stood Mrs. Hastings, I'm SURE it was she, in a calico gown and checked apron!" "Oh, Jack!" and Patty burst into laughter. "She IS our cook!

Eggplants are choice morsels for the potato- beetle, and they must be watched vigilantly if we would save them. There is no better variety than the New York Improved. The pepper is another hot-blooded vegetable that shivers at the suggestion of frost. It is fitting that it should be a native of India. Its treatment is usually the same as that of the egg-plant.

This, of course, would be one of the drawbacks to growing tomatoes and beans in San Francisco. Turnips and parsnips do well with less heat. You may have to modify the San Francisco summer climate by wind screens or glass covers. Continuous Cropping With the Same Plant. What would happen on the crops of cucumbers, tomatoes and eggplants, etc., planted on the same place continuously?

This disease, which also attacks potatoes and eggplants and some related weeds, is one of the most serious enemies of the tomato. It is known to occur from Connecticut southward to Florida and westward to Colorado, but is most prevalent in the Gulf States, where it has greatly discouraged many growers.

Little dinner breads are good when soaked in milk, stuffed with sausage meat, and fried. It can be used to stuff cucumber, or eggplants, but you should then crumble up the meat and bind it with the yolk of a raw egg. Braise your shoulder of lamb; that is, put it in a closely covered stewpan, in a good brown sauce or gravy with the vegetables, to be served with it.

It is therefore advised that tomato growers should always practice a rotation of crops, whether any disease has appeared or not, and that in case bacterial wilt develops they should not plant that land in tomatoes, potatoes, or eggplants for three or four years. The length of rotation necessary to free the soil is not known, but will have to be worked out by the individual grower.

The ground was very fertile, and kava, the root of which is used for the Samoan national drink, pineapples, sweet potatoes, and eggplants were soon flourishing among other things. Limes were so plentiful that they formed the hedge about the place; citrons were so common that they rotted on the trees.

One frame should be in use at the same time for eggplants and peppers, two sashes of each, growing fifty transplanted plants under each sash. Two frames will be required for cucumbers, melons, and early squashes; for extra early lettuce, an estimate of sixty to seventy heads should be made to a sash. It is assumed that celery and late cabbages are to be started in seed beds in the open.